Chapter 22

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Dipper P.O.V

When I wake up, I am surprised to see that I am back at the Mystery Shack. The bed across the room, however, is empty. It appears that Mabel left during the night. It's probably for the best. I wouldn't want to spend my time fighting with her over my choices.

I change into some clean clothes and head downstairs. Something doesn't feel exactly the same, but I can't figure out what it is. The only thing I know is that something isn't the same.

I walk into the kitchen and glance around. No one has made any morning coffee, which is strange. Normally Stan or Ford makes a pot. It's rather unusual but I ultimately shrug it off and start a pot for myself.

The Mystery Shack seems eerily quiet today. I'm not sure that I can ever remember a time where it was this quiet. It's actually making me uncomfortable.

Once my coffee is done, I pour myself a cup, add a good amount of flavored creamer, and leave the kitchen. I have a look around the Mystery Shack, only to discover that I am completely alone. Stan and Ford are gone and have left no note or message for me.

I awkwardly sit in the living room alone. Something just doesn't feel right. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know something has changed.

Just as I'm about to look around, the front door opens. I expect to see Ford or Stan, but that isn't who walks through. Through the door walks Bill.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quickly.

"Surprise, Pine Tree," he says happily.

I am completely and utterly confused. Bill has stumped me. I have no idea what he's planning.

"You should go. Stan and Ford will be back soon," I warn him.

"They won't be back," he says, pulling me up from the floor.

My mind begins racing as Bill says this.

'What does that mean? Why won't my uncles be back? Did he kill them? Oh God, what if he did kill them!?'

"Calm down, Pine Tree, I didn't kill anyone," he says calmly.

"You didn't?" I ask in slight surprise.


"Then why isn't anyone here? Why won't Stan or Ford be back?"

"Because, Pine Tree," Bill starts, "this is a universe where none of you come back to Gravity Falls," he explains.

I look around for a few moments. The Mystery Shack does seem like it's been abandoned for a while, but I'm only starting to notice now.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask softly.

"Because no one will bother us here. We can be happy. You won't have to battle your family."

Bill does make valid points. I don't like fighting with my family. If they aren't in Gravity Falls then there is no conflict. But it makes me wonder what the other version of myself is doing here.

"So, if none of us come back, what am I doing with my life?" I ask.

"School, most likely. You'll go through your education and live life normally. Here, you never wished to come back."

"What about you? Don't you have another version of yourself?"

Bill laughs softly and shakes his head. "There's only one of me, lucky for you~," he says with a soft purr.

I am curious about how this alternate universe works, but I suppose that I can ask more questions after Bill and I settle in. Perhaps this won't be so bad.

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