♤one : nicknames♤

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dedicated to a special person:

lee kohn💕


♤one : nicknames♤

The flames engulfed my room and the house collapsed, trapping my parents in the flames, sealing them in with all of their secrets. Embers drifted up into the night sky, and it was impossible to separate the stars from the burning ashes. The wails of the sirens grew louder and I sobbed into my neighbors shoulder.

I knew I could have saved them.

I could have been the hero.

They didn't have to die. This was all my fault. I scolded myself.

Stay positive! Yeah right.

Reassuring me that everything was going to be alright, a firefighter asked me what had happened. He looked concerned, like he actually cared.

But I didn't.

Just because he did didn't mean I had to.

My parents were just disintegrated, my house just collapsed, everything I own is gone, and you want me to tell you what happened? Personally, I thought it was pretty simple. Fire, house burned down, two people dead. It would be in the papers tomorrow. Did he really have to torture me with obvious questions? I was on the brink of madness.

Calm down, I told myself. He wants to help. Doug, that's what he said his name was, said that he wanted to help. That was the worst possible thing he could have said right then.

My father's nickname was Doug.

I broke down into a heap of clothes and disappeared into nothing. The singed grass felt terrible and rough on my face and trembling, I embraced it, knowing my life would forever change.

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