♤twenty four : pencils♤

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♤twenty four : pencils♤

Andy and Mac sat down at the enormous table, and gestured me to do the same. I folded my skirt down around my waist, I was still in a hospital dress, mind you. The cushy chair enveloped my small frame, I hadn't eaten with my own mouth for a while, as odd as that sounds. The doctors had fed me through tubes and wires while I was unconscious for many days. Andy never answered my question. After the words left my lips, he abruptly left the room. I turned to Mac to see what would come over him to do so. He sat still, acting as if nothing had happened. He put a finger to his lip as to shush me.

"Shush?! Why are you shushing me?!" I whispered loudly.

He raised his finger again and I slumped in my chair, a frown forming as my posture became more and more atrocious.

Andy came back in the room with Dr. Palmera, my aunt from my mothers side who Mac told me earlier was taking care of me. We both stood up from our swivel chairs. I looked at my aunt. She shuddered in the dim light.

"A-Are you cold?" I stuttered, confused.

She shook with great demeanor as she approached me slowly. I looked around her shoulder and stared at Andy. "Is she gonna eat me or something?" I asked. My voice was higher than normal, and quivering. I stood up straighter to gain my posture back. He chuckled, and replied immediately.

"We talked briefly, no. She's not gonna eat you." Still quietly chuckling, he let out a big "gafaww" and laughed heartily.

Dr. Palmera--well, my aunt--stepped closer to me and had a blank expression on her face as she gracefully walked towards me without making a sound. She stopped right in front of me, and I rose out of my chair to face her directly. She brushed a piece of hair off of my blood caked forehead. I looked back into her eyes and saw the tears that were forming before her cheeks. She looked back into mine, and the watery beads spilled over, down her chiseled face. Seeing her struggle, I wrapped my hands around her comfortingly. We stayed this way for a while. We looked like two little girls sharing a heartfelt hug in the middle of a nasty basement. It was oddly sweet, a bittersweet moment.


The red metal chair screeched as I swiveled in it, and about the whole class turned and stared at me. I shriveled up and tried to disappear. No such luck. Their eyes bore into my back even as I turned and ignored the dreadful stares. I faced back towards the algebra test we were all in the middle of.

God, why did school have to be so hard? Gone for a month, and you miss everything.

I didn't even know how to comprehend half of the material that was on the stupid thing. Ugh, I can't bomb another test. Uncle Tim and Aunt Jen would be pretty unhappy, I can assure you that. I was interrupted as Miss Granger tapped her pencil on her perfectly sized desk. It fit her classroom perfectly, I don't even know.

"Pass your tests up please?"

Shoot. I scribbled my final answer down and threw my pages in the large, scrambled pile of papers. I dreaded the next part. We had "free time." Here come the questions. Dana stole a glance at me and whispered something to Steph. Trying to look occupied, I whipped out my iPhone and went on Instagram. It looked like all of my friends back in Glen Briars. That town was the best. I really miss it, you know? My earbuds rested comfortably in my ears and I immediately relaxed as I pressed play. I stuck my phone in my pocket and sat in silence all alone. Lost in thought, I blocked out everything around me. I closed my eyes as I sat on the top of the table. Who knows why the heck I was on the tabletop. Bad move on my part, I suppose. Two strong arms clenched my sides and lifted me off the table and whirled me around into a tight hug. Returning the gracious act, I laughed lovingly as I saw Trent's big brown eyes sparkling, staring into mine. His lips were happy, the ends curled into a smile.

Aw, he's so caring. So sweet.

He interrupted my joyful thoughts by setting me back down on the desk. "Last time I saw you, you were dying in my arms." He displayed a big smile that could only be described as an "I-missed-you" expression. I don't think I could ever explain it, but it was wonderful. I smiled along with him, looking back into his deep eyes. "Well, I'm glad you were there to save me."


okay. pause.


okay. im good now.

i really like writing this chapter even though it was kind of weird at first. I thought the whole thing was a little off track, so this is better lol, but I just really want to freaking apologize!


okay, well im just a little pumped due to the fact that im getting an iPhone this weekend. (I have a suckish iPod)

EITHER WAY, ily all!

thank you guys so much for all the reads, it's really great!

but truthfully, is this book even good? tell me please, I really appreciate your feedback:)

next week, i have a writing camp that i got a scholarship to, a $500 camp at the OU meadow brook mansion for a week--a bunch of the OU professors are teaching us about writing some more YAY so this is gonna suck but il writing so YAY again.

okay, good night it's 1 in the morning.

again though, if you like this, share it and vote:)

love you! -d

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