♤twenty two : manliness♤

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♤twenty two : manliness♤

I stood completely and utterly lost and confused in the pitch black room. The Indian man -- Mac, asked for me to wait in the "waiting room." Currently, all I saw was black. I didn't even want to attempt to walk around, due to the fact that the first step I took, I would probably run into something and knock down everything in the room like dominoes. I quietly felt around on the walls for a light switch. Oddly enough, the walls were covered in what felt like the foam cubes from the pit we would jump into and do flips into at my old gymnastics stadium where I used to compete when I was little. I started thinking about that little place, and my happy little old life when I was interrupted by the slamming of a coffee mug on a table. I could hear the coffee as it sloshed out of the cup and onto the table and floor, the glass cracking, and the support beams on the table snapping. How strong was this man? My worries about the muscularity of the man dissipated as I heard their heated discussion.

"What am I supposed to do about the boy, stupid?"

"What boy? There's no boy! She's a girl..... and you're calling me stupid...."

"No, the idiot, uhm, oh yes! Trent. That;s what he says his name is. I believe he said that he was her friend? He won't leave anyone alone about Marilyn. The situation is becoming very displeasing."

"Did you call security?"

"On a poor boy who just wants his friend back? No, of course not!'

"Oh.... well, uh, of course. Silly me...."

"Either way, back to the girl."

"She has a freaking name, sir."

"Ah, yes. Marilyn. Okay, well, has Marilyn had any progress or issues lately?"

"Actually, yes. She's awake."

"Well, I'll be!'

"I know, sir, I know. Either way, I do believe that she is experiencing memory loss, which may not be a bad thing. But, that could also be a huge issue, due to the fact that her life will have to start over again. She didn't even recognize Lucinda."

"Lord. We're screwed, aren't we."

"It's just another paitent, sir."

"No, it's not. This one's..... special."


"Reasons." The mysterious man ended the conversation abruptly. "Where is she? I would really like to see her."

The Indian man unlocked the door and flipped the light switch which was oh so conveniently located right next to me, and gestured for me to go in the room. This was the room I had been expecting all along. Cameras in every corner, barely visible, many seats and a very long conference table. The lights flickered, and finally rested upon a large man. I could only see his frame, it was an intense stance where his broad shoulders encased his every move. He sniffed like a child about to cry, and then covered it up with a manly "Ahem." I stepped into the room, and he called my name out into the atmosphere, leaving it ringing in the cold air of the large room.

"Marilyn, darling. Come here. I missed you so."

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