♤thirteen : faces♤

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♤thirteen : faces♤

The burns slashed across Trent's neck, and images flashed through my brain. Huffing, I thought of when the fire blew up in my face, tears sizzling as they hit the floor. I could hear my desperate cries for help as my hair turned to a crisp, evaporating into thin air.

And worst of all,

I remember the looks on my parents faces as they each gave me a hug before I went to bed.

We were happy, content with our lives. Money-wise, we were okay -- livable conditions.


"Good night, sweetie! We love you!"

My mom chirped as I strolled down the hallway, the one that is full of pictures of us together. I did not turn back to flash a smile or anything. I simply shouted back "Night! Love you too!" and hopped into bed without a second thought.

God, we were so trusting and gullible.

We like didn't even think about the crap that could happen.

But why would we? We were happy, and nice, and friendly. My parents, snuggled on the couch, and I, in my bed, fast asleep.

Then came the flames.

Sleeping fitfully, I finally woke up, and slowly sat up. Man, was I hot! Beads of sweat started forming at the base of my neck, and I was beginning to wonder why. I threw off the covers and settled back down, thinking I had solved the problem. No suspicions arised as I plugged my earbuds in and put on some music. After what seemed like forever, I woke up in an ocean of sweat. I felt like I was burning up! Hearing crackling, like of fire, I was convinced that I was hallucinating. My last resort to cooling down was getting a drink of water. Dang! Even the floor felt warm. Everywhere I stepped, everything I felt, all hot. "Mom? I think I'm going insane...." I yelled out, hoping she would assure me I was fine.

No reply.


I grazed my hand on the splintery wooden door, and thought it too, was another one of my hallucinations.


Finally, I blew open the door with my palm.


Gasping in surprise, I took a huge breath and sucked in gallons of smoke. I thudded to the ground in a fit of coughing. The scorching flames jumped at me, hissing and spitting. I dragged my body back closer to the door frame. Ripping the at the door handle, I slammed it shut with all of my might. The flames had overtaken my rug and parts of my dresser. I clawed at my shirt, it had gotten stuck in the door. Less than a second later, it was on fire. Burning my sides, all up my arm. I ripped it off, howling and screeching in pain. I dropped and rolled and seared my neck as I rolled over the rug. I screamed so intensely, I thought I heard glass break. I couldn't tell, the flames were encasing me in a circle. Do I stand? Do I go through? I slapped myself.


I was going to die if I didn't get out of there quick. I raced through the flames that tore through my skin, searing it and breaking it apart. Raw flesh and blood was exposed as the fire got stronger. Looking for an escape route, I slammed into the wall.

It fell through, the boards snapping and collapsing left and right.

A large crowd was forming as light started to fade from my eyes.

"Jim! Look! Com'ere!! There's one more!"

"Oh my God! 'One More' refers to more than one....they got out safe!" I screamed in my mind. "I knew it! I knew it!"

My final thoughts were cut off by black silence as my consciousness was lost like my family's once happy life.


hey guysssss so im just kind of sitting here and what do you think of Trent? good, bad? maybe....? keep reading to find out!

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and ps.

sorry the updates have been taking a few days--(for anyone that's actually reading this)--but I have ALA(advanced language arts) and there's this huge project we are doing an it's like totally insanely huge. so just fyi if I don't update super soon that's why :)

but either way, thanks for reading!

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