1. Caught

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I soon as I saw her I knew she would be mine.

The little barista was covered in artificial sweeteners and chocolate. Her ebony hair fell in soft tendrils around her pale face, as she smiled up at a male customer. A growl rose in my throat as I watched her interact with the human male.

Mine, that familiar voice inside my head screamed.

Yes, ours.

My prey laughed like an angel as she shook up a tea "the weather today is nice." I heard the male say to her.

"Sure," my little barista smiled back unenthusiastically. She looked like she'd rather be anywhere else as she pretended to be looking for ingredients and cups.

Our antisocial little queen.

She flashed the customer a polite smile and handed him his drink. "Hey, maybe when you're off your shift--," the weakling male had the audacity to say in front of me.

Kill him for trying to take what's ours.

The idea was tempting, I had to admit, but it wouldn't help me win the innocent little southern girl that stood in front of me.

"Thank you, but I can't," she responded in that accent that made the animal in me stir. "I have to study for my nursing school finals."

Good girl.

I walked up to the counter and asked for my usual "dark coffee, please." She glanced up at me and smiled as soon as she saw me. "What's the name for the order," she asked as she shifted her weight on one hip. A movement that made her curves that much more delicious looking.

Her flesh.

"Corson," I stated.

Those eyes.

I growled to myself. Her eyes were a light green and when she smiled dimples shown, she was the most attractive thing I'd ever laid eyes on.

She's going to be our pet. Oh yes, she will be, I thought as I watched her closely.

I looked for the signature coffee shop tag that would tell me her name.

She didn't have one.

We like a challenge.

"$3.45, please," she smiled in a sing song voice as she walked away to get my coffee. As I picked through my wallet I managed to glance up at her face and noticed her interest in my tattoos.

Yes, she should be looking at us.

"Military," she asked as she pointed to the tattoo on my arm.

"Something like that," I smirked in response as I looked into my prey's eyes.

Her blood, the demon blood inside my veins stirred as it caught her soul's scent. She's so pure, from the looks of her I'd say she'd never been with a man.

because she's ours.

"That's fine you, don't have to tell me," she laughed light heartedly "I probably shouldn't have asked."

"It's just a symbol I kept seeing in my dreams," I smirked darkly at her. I knew she knew all about the nightmares, being a demon kings' bride would do that.

"Oh," my little one smiled. Her eyes looked haunted as she handed me the coffee someone else had made for me, "have a nice day."

How dare she ignore us.

She should ignore us, I thought to myself.

If she was smart she'd run.

It's far to late for that, the demon in me purred.

What did you think of our man and his love interest? Do you think he's really a demon, is he crazy? Who do you think the girl is?

Comment and let me know your ideas!

Love you guys and thanks for reading!

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now