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I woke back up in the dang bed.

Part of me was furious as I moved toward the door again.

Why? Why would he do that to me?

Corson was there when I swung open the door. I glanced up into his chocolate eyes. He was calm but I was the exact opposite.

I wanted blood. Vengeance. His pain.

Corson's kohl black hair fell into his face as he look at me. He's different than before, I realized. His hair was no longer short and choppy, it was long and trailed down his back in small waves. He wore his signature all dark colors clothing that showed off just how powerful the demon's body was, I've been under that body, a wicked thought said.

"Having fun," he laughed, as his strange sharp teeth appeared again.

"How do you do that," I asked in wonder. Corson just smiled and got closer to me, his chest pressed against mine as he reached for my hand.

Claws appeared where purple nail polish fingernails used to be.

"Cat got your tongue, love," he laughed as he led my hand up toward his throat and used my claws to drawl blood. "It makes hunting prey easier," he smirked down at me.

"P-prey," I stuttered as I watched a crimson line Tumble down his chest.

Food. Blood. Corson. Need---

My body willed itself to move uncomfortably close to Corson as I leaned in and slowly licked the falling drops from his neck.

So good.

It took everything that had to pull myself away from him and detach. Corson looked so prideful as he glanced down at me. "Your mouth," he growled as he moved his face level to mine, no longer towering above me.

His lips were on mine in a fraction of a second. Oh my god, I thought as I kissed him back and tugged him closer.

More, more, more---

As soon as I thought that Corson broke the kiss. Please, no, touch me,I begged silently. Corson must have heard my thoughts because he smirked down at me before he straightened up and resumed his stance to tower above me.

"I like it when you beg," he chucked darkly as he looked down at our bodies. I was still clutching him close, he smelled like the best human food I'd ever ate and I wanted more.

"That's not appropriate, my little southern belle."

The need to hit him came back full force. "Shut up," I hissed at him. Corson grabbed ahold of my wrist and led me to the bathroom.

Oh no, what's happening now???

Corson stood me in front of the mirror and tilted my head.

Holy hell, I thought as I looked at my reflection. This can't be...

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now