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Servatis a periculum. Servatis a maleficum.

Servatis a periculum. Servatis a maleficum.

Servatis a periculum. Servatis a maleficum.

The words continued to circulate in my mind as I woke up from what demon boy described as my transition. "Where am I," I moaned as I sat up in a bed that wasn't my own. My back burned like the seven layers of hell. Are there even seven layers to hell?

"Good morning, little bird," a familiar voice greeted. "I see your transition didn't take away your ability to think as loudly as a siren sings."

Great. There are sirens now too??

"No, little dove, it's an expression."


A loud chuckled reverberated through the room and left me speechless. "It was all real, wasn't it," I moaned as I looked up at my demon captor. Today he was wearing grey puffy pants and a tight white shirt that highlighted his muscles.

The desire was back in an instant flourishing in my chest like a flower in the morning light. Go away, I cursed inwardly as I continued to stare.

"Do enjoy me, love," he chuckled as he returned the favour and looked me up and down. "Those curves look good enough to eat," the demon smirked as he flashed those strange razor-like teeth.

"Will you," I asked without thinking as I looked at his eyes.

Something about him was just so captivating.

Without thinking I was wondering what it would be like to trail my hands through his long chocolate coloured hair. His eyes lit up, the flames in them returned with a vengeance, a trait that seemed to only appear when he felt extream emotions. 

"Depends on how good you are," he smirked as he moved closer to the bed. Some how I guessed that had a double meaning.

"What am I," I asked, the truth of what happened finally dawned on me.

"As you know, you were born a descendant of powerful witches and sorcerers. Your father was a powerful sorcerer who could travel, like you did, to different dimensions."

"And how many dimensions are there," I prodded further.

"Some lower human-born demons and humans believe there are five but demons as power as I believe they're infinite."

"So where exactly did I jump to?"

"The reason you had such trouble with your transporting is because it manifested in your nightmares. Humans are not allowed to possess your power. You were doomed the moment you were born with it. The power is to strong for a human vessel to properly wield. You traveled to one of the many planes the sorcerers control."

Something in his eyes told me he wasn't telling me the full truth.

"Is that where we are now," I asked as I glanced around the room for clues to where we might be.

"Gods no," he snickered "we're--." He paused to give me is signature sharp toothed grin. "You're a guest in my home," it was back again, I realized bitterly.

That dark feeling hit me again. Corson's eyes glazed over red as he pushed be back against the wall only this time something was different.

Something stirred inside me.

I grabbed ahold of Corson's shoulders and threw him against the wall like it was a natural response. I used my body to trap him between me and the dark gray stone that stood behind him.

Corson smiled like he knew a dirty secret, something I couldn't even began to fathom.

Something smelled so good, something that made Corson— irresistible.


Corson's body.

Make it yours, something dark inside me commanded.

"I promised you whatever you wanted," he smirked down at me. It was clear to me he knew something I didn't. Something inside of me, my instinctual voice, told me that he was allowing this to happen. This was his plan all along, it cried but at that point I couldn't care less.

Far too late, my inner demon laughed.

Yes, I agreed, too late.

I bit into Corson's neck without a second thought.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now