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"Proserpina," a voice called from the darkness.

Bow, bow, bow, bow---

Vine smirked down at me as he reached into the darkness. His body became deadly still before he turned toward me and said "I've heard so much about you."

Did he possess Vine???

"Smart girl," he smirked at me "so glad you're the first bride of the kings." The devil looked me up and down as he circled around me. "So much power and no idea how to use it," he snarled at me "but I see other things have been on Corson's mind."

The devil said, his eyes glanced at my neck before he began to laugh. "Oh poor human."

"You're really the devil," I gasped as I backed away slowly. Being this close to Vine wasn't helping me any.

"Would you like a demonstration," he laughed as he reached out for my waist. He crushed our bodies together within a second. As soon as I touched me my vision faded to black and suddenly everything was wrong.

"What's happening?"

"You're seeing the past," the dark voice told me "or more precisely Corson's past."

I saw a boy who looked to be about 15 covered head to toe in blood, his lip was split open and the gloves on his hands were torn. "You did this," Corson yelled "you knew exactly what you were doing."

"Maybe," I heard Vine laugh, at this time period he looked so much older than Corson "but then what do you care? She was only a human."

A human???

"She was mine," Carson yelled as the place they stood shook with his voice.

"She wasn't. She was an innocent," Vine stated "claimed by the angels. You know we aren't supposed to touch them."

Corson screamed, the look on his face told me he was ready to tear Vine apart with his teeth. "I should end you," Corson spat as he moved dangerously close to Vine.

"Why don't we make a deal instead," Vine chucked as Corson froze, clearly tempted at the idea of making a deal with the king.

"I'll give you one night with your angel in exchange for a favor."

"And what is this favor," Corson asked as he eyed Vine.

"Every soul you take," Vine smirked darkly "belongs to me. You can feed on their essence to survive but their powers, their will, it's all mine."

"I accept the terms of the contract."


Reality came back in as I opened my eyes to see Vine or the devil, I guess.

"So, you see, little love. It's me who really owns your soul. You're mine to control, just like Vine is.

The idea disgusted me.

"And I have a job for you, my dear--,"

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now