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Corson looked like murder.

"My Lord," Castor said "what happened."

Corson remained silent for several minutes. His ruby colored eyes flickered over my appearance as he limped forward toward me.

"Leave now," he told Castor in a tone of voice I wasn't familiar with.

"Yes, my lord," Castor bowed on his way out.

The door shut and we were all alone.

"Proserpina," the demon king groaned as he stalked over to a nearby table and gulped down some mysterious drink. "Come to me," he commanded with a gesture of his gloved hand. Before I could refuse I was standing in front of him.

He used his powers on me.

"Proserpina," he growled again as he moved closer. He smelled like blood, alcohol, and power.  

"What happened to you," I gasped as I moved forward and gripped his muscular arms.

"As a demon, Proserpina, you will learn to pay the game."

"What game?"

"Everyone you meet will demand something from you, will want something from you," he panted. "If you want to survive here, little bird, you need to be the deadliest piece on the board."

Corson snapped his fingers.

The blood on his clothing disappeared before my eyes and everything went back to the way it was before.

"What really happened, Corson," I demanded. His eyes flickered to mine with a sharp look of anger.

"You're commanding me now," he snarled as he crept forward until he was touching my neck.

"Deadliest piece on the board," I echoed with malice what he said earlier.

"Oh no, my love. You and I are a single piece," he smirked evilly "I own you."

"I am an abomination because of you," I spat in defiance "you ate my soul."

"You woke up on the wrong side of reality, little bird, if you think you're the one in control here."

"I'm your bride," I smirked, for once I felt confident in something, "I'm a queen."

Corson snarled at me.

"I am what you made me," I hissed as I moved closer and tore off Corson's leather gloves. "Bare your teeth one more time at me. I'll pull them out one by one."

This burst of confidence had me so fearless. It was the best I felt in a long time.

"You're becoming more demonic, little bird. I enjoy this side of you."

Corson threw me onto the bed.

"Tonight you're mine," he promised as his lips came down on mine. He was so possessive, so unlike the other luke-warm men I'd been with in the past. His presence was overwhelming, I could feel his desire and his need to possess me completely.

"There will be no going back from his," he warned "you will sit on my throne after this."

A week ago the idea would have terrified me but now--

"I want you."

Corson tore off his shirt and proceeded to kiss me. "Finally mine," he hissed "I will ravage you as no other man has before."


Corson and Proserpina are finally together!! What did you think of Proserpina's demon side? What do you think happened to Corson?

Let me know :)

Thanks for reading❤️

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now