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Damn, if he makes me pass out one more time- I thought as I walked toward the bedroom mirror.

I looked completely different.

My hair fell in chaotic spirals, my eyes glowed red and my skin was unbelievably pale. "C-Corson," I stuttered "what in the hell did you do to me?"

"This is your demonic form," he smirked down at me. As he smirked his skin paled, his face grew inhumanly angular, wings sprouted from his back.

My heart beat increased drastically.

There he was behind me with his arms around my hips. "You," he growled in my ear as he looked me up and down. "I chose my possession well."

Fear and desire mixed together in a toxic swirl.

"Who are you," I gapped at his reflection. Corson just chuckled and said:

"Exactly what you desire," he shot back. "You can pretend to be the good girl all you want," the demon chuckled "I can feel you're desire from here."

"No," I gasped, there's no way. It's not possible.

"I'll return when you can tell the truth, little bird," he growled as he turned away with a frown and disappeared into the shadows.

Did he look sad when he said that? Could I hurt the demon boy???

It was a powerful and dangerous realization.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now