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The table was filled with all different types of food that I had never seen before. Corson sat to my right with an expression of pure anger. His entire body tense as though he was waiting for something bad.

"Relax," Vine snarled at Corson as he smacked a hand against his back. "I've been strictly forbidden to steal your bride away."

I could feel the relief roll off of Corson.

"There will be no more brawling," one of the other four kings asked from across the table.

"Not for now," Vine chuckled in reply as he took the knife from beside him and dug it into some strange looking food.

Vine and Corson fought, I realized with horror as the pieces of the previous day came together.

"There is someone who would like to meet her, however," Vine turned to look at me with a smirk. Unlike Corson and I, his eyes turned completely dark black. "Would you like to meet the devil, Phoebe. He'd like to meet you," Vine's tone of voice made me shiver as I stared at him in horror.

"What does the devil want with my bride," Corson spat as he eyed Vine suspiciously.

"That's not for you to know," he snapped, his face paled and wings burst in the air. "Would you like to challenge me again."

Corson remained silent. Furious, but silent.

"Good," Vine laughed loudly before he turned toward me and offered me his hand, "come."

I turned back toward Corson before I left but he had already disappeared.

Looks like I'm on my own.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now