5. From Prey to Possession

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"I-it's you," I gasped as I wished I could sink into the bed and disappear. The hot guy from the coffee bar, god I have awful taste in men.

"Yesss," he hissed slowly as he smirked down at me. "You can refer to me as Corson, little bird, and nothing else."

He enjoys playing with me, I realized with horror.

Let him, something dark inside of me begged.

I looked up and noticed Corson's smirk was even wider. "Monster," I screamed as I threw my fist at his sculpted face "that's the only thing I'll be calling you."

I ran for the door again.

"No, no, no, little bird," Corson laughed loudly. Once again the entire room shook.

He appeared behind me, his body pressed up against mine. "Give me your soul and this will all be over. I'll give you what you desire, Proserpina. The man of your dreams, no more pain, no more abandonment."

"I-I- I'll give you what you want." I couldn't see another way out of it and I couldn't take much more of the flames.

Claws ran down my stomach as he stroked me in a possessive display. Desire ignited in my body as I arched to meet his touch. The demon chucked "in time, my love," he promised.

He bit down on my neck and growled as he broke the skin.

"What are you doing," I cried, "that hurts."

"More than the flames," he questioned as he chuckled down at me darkly. "I'm sealing the contract."

That's all it took?

"Just one taste of your soft flesh," he growled as blood dripped down from his mouth and onto my chest. I shivered in his hold. The things he said and did were so animalistic.

He stared down at my chest with satisfaction in his dark red eyes. I knew what he wanted, and it scared the hell out of me.

All the sudden I felt this tight pull at my heart as I fell limp in his arms, suddenly crushed by exhaustion.

I no longer had control over my body.

"Such a pretty girl," he moaned as he held me up.

What's happening????

"You will begin your transition now," the demon stated as though it was nothing.

My transition??

"Your full powers will be released," he said with a shockingly reassuring smile.

My vision began to fade.

"Don't worry, my little bird, I take good care of my possessions."

He has total control, I realized horrified.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now