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There was blood everywhere. Beside me Corson laid in the bed, his neck was covered in crimson blood and his shirt was ruined but I had never seen the man look more satisfied.

"You were good, my pet," he smirked.

Is that a compliment??

"Don't read too far into it," Corson warned as he turned his gaze to me. I was equally as covered in blood. My lips smeared with crimson from the bite I placed on Corson's neck.

I bit a demon. I wanted to be sick, I should have been sick, but instead I glowed with pride.

"Several bites, actually," the snide demon commented, his eyes were lit with some dangerous emotion.

It dawned on me that he had been reading my mind ever since we had first met.

How about privacy, I groaned to myself.

"You'll get none," the demon quickly dismissed "bad little girls deserve nothing."

I couldn't tell what exactly he meant by that. All I knew is that it sent another wave of lust through me.

"You were born to be a demon," he chuckled "the seven deadly sins cling to you like you're their mother."

I flinched at his words. I grew up in a religious household, I was southern after all.

Now I have no idea what I am.

"You don't need to concern yourself with that," Corson laughed "you're mine now, pet. Now if you excuse me," he stood up from the bed like losing gallons of blood meant nothing. "I have some pressing matters to attend to."

"What should I do," I asked curiously.  It shocked me that I didn't panic at the thought of him leaving me. I did with every other man.

"Whatever you like, little bird. My home is your domain," with that said, he shut the door behind him.

Why does that sound like a lie?

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now