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My hands moved to the door knob. I was surprised to have found that it actually opened. Maybe living with a demonic psychopath won't be so bad.

I stepped it into-- where ever I was and glanced around the hallway.

Everything here is so dark, I thought, not sure why I was surprised. I made it five doors down when hunger struck me.

What am I supposed to do??

Corson wasn't here and I really wasn't even sure what my species ate anymore, or even what species I am.

I somehow made it to a kitchen.

Food, food, food, food---

My body kept begging, my stomach felt like someone was repeatedly rubbing it with sandpaper or something. By the time I made it to a fridge I was doubled over in pain.

The first thing I noticed was an ebony jar filled with dark liquid.

My body cried for it in a way that left me breathless and probably crimson eyed. No, I thought strongly, I have no idea what that is.

I reached for what looked like cooked chicken instead. I put it on the counter, grabbed a fork, and forced myself to eat it.


Every part of me cried as I attempted to eat more. The familiar food did nothing to lessen my hunger but instead began making it worse. I slammed my hands down on the table in defeat.

Corson, my thoughts cried please please hear me.

A dark shadow I hadn't noticed before loomed in front of me. Within a second Corson appeared from the smoke and laughed.

"Trying to make yourself sick, little bird."

"What's happening," I cried as I tried to resist the urge to gag.

"You ate human food," he snarled. Corson picked up the drink from before and handed it off to me.

Food, food, food.

That strange voice in my head screamed as I held the drink. "What is it," I asked as I glanced down into the cup.

"Don't worry, love. It won't hurt you."


I took a drink of the strange thing Corson handed me. The liquid burned my throat just as badly as the flames burned me before. I coughed and sagged against Corson's toned body.

"Please remember, darling," the demon began in a hiss "the only god that comes when he's called; is death."

After he spoke those words the world disappeared.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now