Let's talk...

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I know some of you out there are thinking suicidal thoughts or thoughts about self harm, well if you ever think that again then stop put down the razor or pills or rope or whatever you are doing and draw a little butterfly on your arm whenever you feel like you are going to self harm, if you attempt any type of self harm while you have the butterfly, it will die, if you have multiple then they all die, you are not allowed t wash them off and you must let them fade naturally, if you can't draw then use a sticker or tie a piece of string around your finger. You can do this if you know anybody who does this too I just want you to know you're not alone and also if you see somebody else with a butterfly or sticker or string, talk to them they can help

 You can do this if you know anybody who does this too I just want you to know you're not alone and also if you see somebody else with a butterfly or sticker or string, talk to them they can help

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I love you all... please stay safe.

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