Sorta Still Mad?

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Mostly cause, umm... NOTHING CHANGED.

Today I had an awesome morning. Well...

Having to leave the house at 8, got up at 7 cause takes 1 hour to get fully ready in the morning. Mom got uo too, anf yelled at me for 45 minutes (during which I couldnt move, and had to 'look at her when shes talking to me'). Barely got dressed in the last 15 minutes. Shoved some ham down my throat.

Got picked up by friend. Yay! Went to meet up with 2 more friends. Yay! Took a 3-4 hour hike (my first hike ever! Woohoo!).

Sat by a lake after finishing hike. Me and mah best friend went swimming in our clothes.

Got picked uo again by friends Mom. Probably got her car wet with our butts.

Stopped for fast food. Fast food place computer broke, so we left.

Got dropped off at home. Not yay.

Got yelled at by Mom for "forcing me to do all your chores for you, since you weren't here! Be thankful I did this so you could leave the house!" Despite us LITERALLY talking that morning that I'd do everything as soon as I got back, and her saying tgat would be fine.

Went to Bellevue Library to take SAT and ACT practice tests. That was fun. But it was funny that there were only two chinese boys, and two indian girls besides me. Whats up with the stereotype of people who actually study being asian or indian... whats up with that stereotype beimg so true? (I'm neither, but I don't study. I was just there one time, while other peeps came every week all summer). Anyways, it was a fun 2 hours.

Then went back home. Got more yelling.

As I was complaining yesturday: I've been not able to sleep past 3 nights. So today I begged to go to bed at 9, unlike the usual minumum bedtime: 12. And they said, "Fine. But we'll be watching a movie in the adjacent room". As I said in yesturdays rant, I'm NOT tolerant of sound and can barely fall asleep. So I had to wait till 10:30.

Ok, time for me to actually fall asleep now. Now that my "two hours it takes me to fall asleep" are up.

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