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So I'm supposed to be going on this camping trip with my best friend and her family. I'm supposedly leaving tomorrow. And this was planned... last year (last August. And it is August now).

Anyways... not gonna go into all the boring details, but as usual, Mom divided my days second-by-second. I had no time to pack.

Today I got home at 8 pm. Immediately started packing for tomorrow. (Used the list that I luckily created during the night, since the night is my only "free time"). I finished in about an hour. I had a LOT to go through.

Le Mom comes into my room. Says, "No, I told you that I would be the one to tell you what to pack!"
Me: , "...Ok... tell me"
Le Mom: "Put everything back where it's supposed to be"
Me: "What? No! Why?"
Le Mom: *Throws all my things which I packed down the stairs*. "I SAID GO PUT EVERYTHING BACK!"

This is where I overreact. I am NOT emotionally stable, and am not gonna pretend that I am. I had graffite and charcoal pencils in the pile, and you better pray it didn't break cause that awesome shit was a gift from my friend! Anyways I get mad.

Me: "What did you just do? How dare you?" (Yes. I know. I'm a bitch and a brat. But what happened, happened).
Le Mom: *completely flips out. Says I'm not going on the trip. Picks up phone to call friend*

Le Dad: *magically appears from the background*. "No, Alla, we promised! I don't want her to go either but we said she could!"
Le Mom: "Oh yeah? And who did we promise to? Those trashy friends of hers?"
(If you are said friend and are reading this for some magical reason, such as a systems failure of crunchyroll... do not be offened she doesn't mean it. She only says this when shes's particularly mad at me, to get to me. All other days she asks why I can't be more like *best friend*).

Anyways, Dad somehow convinces her to put the phone down.
Me: *Halleluyah!!!*
Mom: "You're not packing anything today. I WILL tell you MYSELF tomorrow what you will pack. And if you start any more scandals you're not going anywhere. So SOME THINGS BETTER CHANGE tomorrow if you have ANY desire of going!"

So... I guess I'm going... I hope... if I can't I literally don't know what I'll do because... I am clinically insane. I have read online and everything matches up. I still have control of my actions (except for the shaking hands) but I can't keep my mind under rains. Sometimes simple sounds in random places get deafening for a few minutes, and my mind is just yelling, "STOP. SHUT UP!" Even if its literally a lawn mover, or 3+ people talking. But it goes away afterwards... but anyways. I don't know what will happen since this would be too damn disappointing, to a level I have not yet dealt with before. (I once bent a metal ladle in half after Mom didn't let me go to a planned event, and that was a MILD letdown.

Conclusion: I am very used to getting my way. I am an only child, and extremely spoiled on top of that. I am almost never left alone. I've never been away from my parents outside of home for more than 3 days. (I once lived with my grandma for a month while I was in kindergarted. But she just came to our appartment. And parents called every day, and planned my daily schedule). Anyways... I am used to getting my way. I flip out at the smallest little "transgresion of freedom" which is, instead, just a normal factor of life. I need to be more tolerant and listen to what people have to say more carefully. I am DEFINITELY not always right. And even if in a particular situation I might be, it is most certainly worth giving up in order to avoid another confrontation. Plus, WHO KNOWS who is more correct? Usually it's just a matter of opinion. If I want to bring long-sleeve shirts to the trip and Mom wants me to bring only T-shirts, she might be right; her arms never get cold. She wears vests in the winter. But for me, I'll be fine as long as my arms are covered (unless it's super hot), or otherwise I will freese. But it doesn't matter what I want. I should have just given in and avoided the confrontation which almost put my MUCH looked-forward-to trip in jeopardy.

Hey I just gave myself a psycho-analisis. Lol. Hey, it's good practice (maybe) since I wanna be psychologist? XD

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