t h r e e || LA

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~after a long ass plane ride, you finally landed in LA~

i got off of the plane and made my way to luggage claim. while i waited for my suitcase, i texted jake and told him that i had landed. he said that he was on his way, so i sat down and waited for him.

[15 minutes later]

"welcome to LA!" i heard someone shout. i looked up from my phone and saw a smiling Jake and two other boys looking down at me. "hey!" i yelled as he pulled me into a hug. i now had a clearer view of the two other boys who were with Jake. i recognized they were Chance and Anthony. i started to get really excited because i have always been a #chanthion. i may have also always had a slight crush on one of them...

when Jake and i separated from the hug, he introduced me to Chance and Anthony.

"y/n, this is Chance and Anthony," he said as he pointed to each boy, "and Chance and Anthony, this is y/n" he finished.
"hey, its nice to meet you," we all said at the same time, which caused us all to laugh. when i looked up, i saw Anthony looking at me, smiling. i shyly put my head down and started to blush.
those damn dimples could be the death of me.

"alright kiddies, lets go!"Jake said interrupting my thought.
"yes, daddy" i said, not realizing how wrong that came out. they all stared at me, trying to hide their smiles.
"i did not mean it like that. you guys all have dirty minds." i said quickly.
"dang, not even here for a day and she's already calling someone daddy," Chance said.
"the new girl is freaky," said Anthony.
"ugh, whatever," i said as i put my suitcase in the truck, and climbed into the back seat with Anthony.
i decided it was time to post a new video for my youtube channel, so i took out my camera and began recording.

"wassup, loves? i know, i know. i'm sorry i haven't been posting for a while, but im back now so...yay!
okay anyways, you may be wondering where i am...well i'm in a car. Who's car you may ask? well i'm gonna let some friends of mine answer that question for me." i turned the camera around to show everyone else in the car.
"yo, its Jake. sup, i'm Chance. and you already know it's Anthony," they all said one by one.
i turned the camera back around to face me.
"yeah, i'm in LA with these dummies," i said with a laugh.
"not cool," they all shouted at me.
"okay chill! i'm only joking," i said and they started to laugh again.

gosh, i love them already.

"no guys, i'm dead serious," i whispered into my camera.
"anyways," i said as i scooted closer to Snthony and he laid his arm across my shoulders.
"its kinda boring right now, so i-"
"-we," Tony, so rudely, interrupted me.
"we will see you when we get to
the team 10 house," i said as i laid my head down on Tony's shoulder.
"see you soon," i said as Tony and i brought our hands up and covered the camera while i turned it off.

the rest of the car ride consisted of OFC, Jerika, and Its Everyday Bro carpool karaoke and questions from the boys.
the question that got most of my attention was one asked by Anthony.

"do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"no sir" i answered with a smile.
Anthony looked relived.

"someone's got a crush," Jake and Chance said while Anthony just turned his head, looking out the window.
he was blushing.

i placed my head back on his shoulder and wondered...

why was he so relieved?

-chapter 3 is completed people!💛 i hope you like it. byeeee✌

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