f i v e || friends

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i wake up on anthony's chest with his arms wrapped around me. i try to remember what had happened last night.


a few minutes after i fell asleep, it began to storm. i could hear the thunder and lightning and i got really scared because i was terrified of them.
so, i moved the pillow wall and lightly shook Anthony awake.
"huh," he said half asleep.
he sounds so sexy.
"uh ...i'm slightly scared of storms," i said.
he smirked and turned on his back as i laid down on his chest.
"i'll protect you," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and that was the last thing i heard before i drifted off to sleep.

~end of flashback~

i loved being here with him. it felt perfect. so i snuggled back up to him and was about to go back to sleep when Jake busted the door open and ran in.
from watching all of his vlogs, my first instinct was to cover my head with the blanket in case he tried to prank me.

"oooooh. looks like there may be a new marriage soon!"

Tony had been woken up by the sound of Jake. He laughed as he asked Jake to leave.

"okay i'll let you guys continue whatever it was you were doing," he said with a wink.

i took the blanket away from my face and while laughing said,"we're just friends, Jake."

i'm sure i heard Anthony whisper the words 'for now' under his breath, but maybe i was just hoping i did.

when Tony and i had changed out of what we slept in, he suggested we recorded a new video for my channel. i agreed and set up the camera in our room, while we both tweeted our supporters to ask us questions for a Q&A.

after 5 minutes we began to record.

"hey my loves! it's us again. but incase you don't know who we are... i'm y/n and this is Anthony," i said, pointing at both of us.
"yup, that's me. subscribe to me and Chance's YouTube channel, my instagram, and my twitter. link in the description!!"
we looked at each other and said,"always plug!"

an iconic team 10 motto.

"anyways, Tony tweeted out for you guys to ask us questions so here we go!"
((im gonna miss dirk😭))

"@imabird asks whats your favorite color?"
"blue!" i said. "always and forever."
i turned towards Anthony to wait for his reply.
"i like blue too"he replied, "although orange is superior."
we both laughed and i read off the next question.
"@randomuser asks are you and tony a thing?"
i wish.

i smile and look at my camera.
"okay guys....there's something we have to tell you..." i said looking at tony and grabbing his hand.
"we are..." he said, clearly playing along.
"JUST FRIENDS!" i say.
Tony and i just start laughing.

we answer a couple more questions and ended the video. i edited and uploaded the video. then, i walked down to the kitchen.

"what's up?" i say as i see Jake, Erika, Chance, and Tessa staring at me as i walked in.
"oh nothing," erika said smiling.
"tell me!" i said.
"we know," tessa says.
"know what?"
"about you and Tony,"says Chance.

when anthony walks in, i grab his arm and drag him over to the couch where the others are sitting.
"Tony can you please explain to these people that we are just friends because they don't seem to believe me," i say faking frustration , and hoping he says anything but that.

"we are just friends," he says and i feel my heart sink.
"see," i said as i look down at my hands, devastated.

"for now," he says clearly and walks away leaving me speechless.


-this is really bad but enjoy🎀

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