f o u r || team 10

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anthony's pov

sitting here, in the car with y/n, i feel like i couldn't have been happier. well... actually i guess i could because i was beyond happy when i found out she was single. she is so pretty and funny and i think i just want to make her mine.

she probably doesn't feel the same way though...

y/n pov

i was so happy that i was in LA. not only that, but i was also going to be staying with team 10! i think i'm really going to like it here. but the same thought kept popping up in my mind...

'why did anthony ask you that question?'
'does anthony like you?'

my thoughts were interrupted by a loud Jake Paul.
"WE'RE HERE!" he yelled.
i was so excited. i quickly got my camera and got out of the car. Anthony had said he would get my bags for me, so i began to record again.

"hey my loves,
we are here at the team 10 house," i said as i show the outside of the house.
"oh and that's Tony, as you guys already know," i laughed as he walked in front of my view.
"yeah. i'm also holding all of her bags," he said laughing. i walked over to him and turned the camera to face us as i said "you're the best" and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"i know" he said laughing.

"anyways we are going to walk into the house now," i said as Chance opened the door for us.
"everyone come here!" Jake yelled.
soon i saw people come and stand in front of Jake, Chance, Anthony, and i.
Jake introduced me to Erika, Tessa, Emilio, Ivan, Kade, Nick, Max, and Megan.
everyone gave me a welcoming hug as i was recording.
"I feel at home already."

Anthony put my bags at the bottom of the stairs as i turned off my camera and walked over to Jake.
"where will i be staying?" i asked politely.
"well for tonight, if you don't mind, you'll be crashing on the couch. But tomorrow i will figure something else out," he said.
"okay thanks," i said making my way over to the couch.
"where can i shower?"
"you can use the shower in Erika's old room."

i guess i made a face and he could tell i was confused.

"well since Erika and i are 'married' now, we share a room."

i shook my head to show i understood.

"so who's staying in her old room now?" i asked trying not to sound too nosy.
"Tony," he replies and i look over to him.
"oh okay. i'll be in the shower" i said as i moved my suitcase near the couch, and took out some clothes to change into.

i went into the bathroom and began to shower. when i was done, i got out of the shower and put on my favorite pajamas that i had packed.
((outfit below))

when i walked out of the bathroom, i saw Anthony laying on his bed using his phone

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when i walked out of the bathroom, i saw Anthony laying on his bed using his phone.
"oh hey," he said.
"hi," i replied as i made my way to sit on the corner of his bed.
"look i know we just met, but the couch is going to be really uncomfortable to sleep on."

what he said next caused butterflies in my stomach.

"so if you want, you can sleep in here with me," he smirked as he finished the sentence.

i'm sure he was just being friendly so i agreed and thanked him.
i went to put my other clothes in my suitcase and got my phone. when i went back to his room, i saw that he had made a little divider with pillows so i wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
i climbed into bed and turned to talk to Anthony.

but when i turned, i saw him taking off his shirt instead.

he caught me looking and said, "i usually sleep with my shirt off. is that cool with you?"
i nodded my head in response and turned back over on my other side. Tony went into the bathroom, so i sat up and decided it would be a good time to end my vlog.

"alright guys right now i am about to go to sleep, so i-"
"weee"tony corrected me again as he walked out of the bathroom.
i laughed and said,"weee will see you tomorrow and remember...stay amazing."
"peace!" we said at the same time.

Tony then climbed into the bed and helped me edit and post the video. "goodnight y/n," i heard him say.

ughhh his tired voice is so sexy.

"goodnight," i said as i drifted off to sleep.


-another chapter done

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