s e v e n t e e n || secrets

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y/n pov

"it's really nice to have some time alone again," i say as anthony and i walk, hand-in-hand, over to our table.
"yeah. i'm really going to miss your pretty face," he says while pulling out my chair for me. i smile as a thank you and he walks over to the other side of the table.
i will be leaving soon. on a plane to miami to start off my modeling career. i'm super excited, but i'm sure as hell that i'm going to miss everyone.
"hmm.." i say, realizing that i didn't hear anything he just said.
"did you hear me?" he asks, smiling.
"uh...yeah, totally," i try to lie, but obviously fail miserably. he closes his eyes and lets out a small laugh before opening them again.

"hi. my name is max and i will be your waiter, tonight."

our conversation was soon interrupted by a slightly good-looking guy, asking to take our order.
"well, hello max. nice to meet you." i say, only trying to be polite. i notice him look my body up and down, my tight red dress not helping at this moment, until he finally meets my eyes again.

"trust me. the pleasure is all mine."

i force a laugh at his little comment and rest my hand on anthony's now balled up fist.
"yeah. great to meet you, mark." anthony says sarcastically and i have to look down to hide my laughter.

"it's max. anyways, what can i get for this fine, young lady, tonight."

"hey, look here. she's my girlfriend. you hear that, mark? my fucking girlfriend. so, back the fuck off of her." he's standing up now and pushes max back a little, looking like he wants to kill him.
me, being the great girlfriend i am, stands up in front of him.

"baby, it's okay. calm down. do you want to go home?"

he shakes his head 'no' and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. max was now long-gone and half of the people in the restaurant are staring at us.
"no. this night was supposed to be amazing. but, i fucked it up. i'm so sorry, y/n/n."

i pull him into a hug. when we pull away i grab his hands in mine, and look into his eyes. "anthony, all i need is you. you are all i need for an amazing night." i kiss his cheek, but linger a while to whisper something in his ear.

"let's go home."

a smile plays across his lips as i grab his hand, pulling him out of the restaurant.


tired and happy, laying here with anthony i peck his lips.
"hmm..?" he was half asleep, but i couldn't resist.
"you're so handsome, you know that ? i love you, so much."
"i love you more, princess."
he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to his chest, if that's even possible.
he makes some kind of grunting noise and i take that as a "yeah."
"what were you going to say earlier ? when we were at the restaurant ?"
there was a pause, i think he was trying to figure out what i was asking him.
"nothing, baby."
that was an obvious lie. but, i wanted to truth so i kept pushing for it.
"tony, don't lie. just tell me."
"okay, okay," he finally makes eye contact with me and i can clearly tell he's tired.
"i was going to say that i-," i cut him off mid-sentence with another quick kiss.
"you're obviously tired, love. we can talk in the morning." he nods his head and closes his eyes again.

"okay. goodnight."

it's pretty obvious he doesn't want to tell me what's going on. but i'll find out.

i always do.

yhup. it's up.
a day late, but who cares?

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