s i x t e e n || promises

978 20 1

"what are we?" I finished off.
anthony's pov

"yeah, i was wondering that too."
how did she know? was she thinking about it too.
"anthony. i want to be yours. i want to wake up wrapped in your arms everyday. but i-i..." she leaned in and kissed me.

y/n pov

i kissed him and he began to stare at the ground.
oh no. what did i do wrong? gosh, why do i have to mess up everything?
"anthony, what's wrong" i asked him.
he still stared at the ground, and then he slowly lowered off of the couch onto the floor. he rested on one knee, like he was going to... propose?
"anthony, i-"i began with a nervous chuckle.
everyone home began to walk into the room and gather around with their vlog cameras and their phones, recording.
"guys, what the hell is happening?"
no response, except for anthony who had finally looked up at me.
he looked into my eyes and i stared into his deep, brown eyes...
he grabbed my hand in one of his.
"y/n, we haven't known each other for a while, but when i first laid my eyes on you, i loved everything about you. you're beautiful, smart, hilarious, and well.. i could go on for days but everyone would hate me."
everyone let out a small laugh.
"you mean so much to me, and i want to be able to call you mine, forever."
he reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a small, velvet box.
"i love you, y/n" he said as he opened the lid of the box to reveal a beautiful...
promise ring.
tears began to fill my eyes as he says..
"can we be something more than just friends?"
"oh, anthony-" i started as he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"we always were."
he slid the rose gold ring onto my ring finger and smiled into a kiss.
everyone started to clap.
we got so caught up in the moment that chance had to break up our little moment.
"okay bro, save it for tonight." he said with a wink.
anthony and i just started laughing.
"hey guys we should celebrate that these two lovers are finally official!" tessa suggests.
"pizza!" i shout and everyone agrees.

later that night

i climb into bed with anthony and lay on my side so that we're kind of hugging each other.
i look up at him to see that he's already looking down at me.
"what?" i ask.
"you're just so perfect." he says as he begins to kiss down my neck.
things get heated quickly, but before things go too far, he stops.
"i love you, y/n y/l/n."
"i love you too, anthony trujillo."

let's just say we had fun that night and that i'm glad i get to spend my life with the man i love so much.

i hope you enjoyed it 🙂
should i make another story?
let me know, okay bye 🖤.

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