n i n e || heartbroken

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he kissed her.
she kissed him back.
i couldn't believe it.

the worst part...she was my sister.

i guess she flew out here to surprise me, and got a rental car to drive around. but why would she do this to me? she knew i liked anthony...

they went inside and i turned to tessa, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"that jerk. im so sorry" she said pulling me into a hug.
'how could he do this to me?'
'how could SHE do this to me?'
tears began to fill my eyes, making my vision blurry.
i cant hold it in anymore.
i cry while tessa comforts me. i cry so much my head begins to hurt.
"it's okay. everything's gonna be okay."

it had been about an hour since I've started crying, so i try to pull myself together. i wipe the tears from my eyes, and take a big breath. it was obvious that i has been crying, but i didn't care.

"im ready to go T" i say.
"are you sure" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.
i wasnt ready to go. i wanted to stay there, crying my eyes out.
and never see anthony again.

"yea" i say forcing a smile.
"okay" she says grabbing my hand.
"just know, im here for you. no matter what."

we walk inside and i see Sabrina and anthony on the couch.
"sabby" i say trying to sound surprised, and not hurt.
"hiiii" she says running up to me and giving me hug. i hug back, but only because im not rude.
"y/n, have you been crying?" she asked and sounded generally concerned.
i ignore the question and change the topic.
"when did you get here?" i ask even though i already know the answer.
"i flew in yesterday and rented a car. i stayed at a hotel last night and went to starbucks this morning, where i met anthony" she looked at him and smiled. he smiled back.

"cool" i say walking into the kitchen. tessa started walking upstairs then turned and looked at me.
'im here for you' she mouthed. i mouthed back ' thank you' and she went upstairs to her room.

i got out a bowl and put some fruit and sugar in it. i sat at the table amd began to eat. not saying a word to Sabrina or anthony.

"are you okay?" anthony asks me.
i couldn't do it. i couldn't just sit here and pretend that my sister didn't make out with my sorta-boyfriend.

i stood up and looked at them.
"yup, im perfectly fine. because everything can be just perfect..." i yelled.
"even if you just caught your sister and your boyfriend making out." i said quietly while tears stream down my face
they just stood there. looking at me.
i got my phone and ran upstairs to tessa's room. she instantly knew what happened and began to comfort me.

~anthony's pov~

i knew i had messed up. it was all my fault. i love y/n. but i had just broken her heart.
i had to find her and explain.
explain that i didn't mean to kiss her sister.
that it was just in the moment.
that i love her.

"i think im gonna go..." sabrina said.
"just go to your hotel and let me talk to her. come back tomorrow." i said.
"of course i will" she says getting up.
"just...please tell her that i would never hurt her. and that i love her so much. please..." she begins to tear up.
" of course" i say giving her one last hug. she walks out the door and i begin to walk up the stairs. i get to tessa's room, take a deep breath, and knock.

"y/n...can we talk..."

some powerful emotions in this chapter🎀 ((lol💀)) anyways enjoy🎀

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