Chapter 6

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When mikes car pulls up beside my house, I turn to look at him.

"Well this is it," I point out the obvious.
"Would you maybe wanna come in for a bit?" I hear myself say before getting out. I know this probably sounds weird and stupid to Mike, but I was having such a good time I didn't want to stop hanging out with him.

"Sure, I'm not really in the mood to go home and sleep," he smiles, turning off the engine and stepping out of the car. "Won't your folks mind?" He asks as we make our way towards the front entrance.

"No, they're hardly ever home," I reply, flushing in embarrassment because I know what's coming next.

"Whys that?" He replies as I unlock the front door.

I knew it, everyone asks that same question.

"Okay don't laugh, but they're both members of the Bigfoot believers society, it's stupid I know. And the second there's some exciting evidence or a sighting they found on some Internet forum they jet off to wherever it may be and leave me here," I explain, blushing profusely as I open the door and shuffle inside.

Mike let's out a gorgeous light hearted laugh as he follows me inside, which makes my stomach flip.

"Really? Well that certainly is interesting," he chuckles, following me up the stairs.

Once we reach my bedroom I feel instantly shy and anxious as to what Mike will think. He walks right in and sits on my bed not staring around my room but right at me instead.

"Do you mind being alone?" He asks.

"No, not so much,it means I get time to do whatever I want," I tell him, making my way over to the window and opening it up to let in the cool night breeze.

"And what exactly is that, Mr Perry?" Mike asks jokingly, coming up behind me to take advantage of the cooking breeze.

"I can show you?" I whisper, shivering partly due to the cold night air and partly due to his breath against my neck.

"Of course," he smiles, motioning for me to lead the way.

I take him down to the garage and close the door behind us where we're shrouded in darkness.

"Hang on a sec," I whisper, fumbling around for the light switch. I eventually find it and flick it on bathing the room in light. I smile, taking in the familiar red beat up couch and my cassette player along with my shelves filled with cassette tapes.

"I just come in here and play my guitars and make compilation tapes," I tell him as he wanders over to the couch.

"That's so cool," he murmurs, smiling softly and looking around.

"Actually I think I have the perfect mix for you," I say, picking up a cassette in a clear case marked only with the word June.

"Can I hear it?" He smiles, settling on the couch.

"Of course," I whisper pushing it into the cassette playing and pressing play.

(Here's what's on Tony's tape)

You're my Waterloo-The Libertines

Summer skin - Death can for cutie

Superstar-Sonic youth

Space song-Beach house

C u around-PWR BTTM

Drinks-Slaughter beach dog

Cut my hair-Mounika

Electric Love-Borns

Lead feet-Boston Manor

Breath you in-Trophy eyes

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