Gunman, Katniss, and the Korean Man

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"Mom?"Jamie asked, tears welling up in her eyes as she shook her mother's arm back and forth with her small hand, trying to wake her from her deep slumber.

Except... she wasn't sleeping.

"That's not your mom anymore, Jamie." I pulled the knife out of my holster and gripped it tight, just incase Mrs. H woke up in that moment. "Your mom... is gone."

I heard the soft mumbling coming from the dead women lying on the bed before us. I held my knife over my head as I stood up from the wooden chair I was sitting on the edge of.

"I think she's waking up." Jamie whispered, squeezing her stuffed animal bunny against her chest.

"No, Jamie." I shook my head, tears beating against the back of my eyes. It's not like I was crying for Mrs. H. God, never.

I was crying for Jamie. She has to go through what I went through, only at a much smaller age. "What's coming isn't your mother."

I looked down at Mrs. H as her eyes slowly began to open once again. Though she was awake, she was lifeless. The deep brown color of her eyes were now replaced with a glossy covering that made her look sick.


"Jamie, don't look!" I made sure she was looking away before I stabbed Mrs. H in the head with my knife.

As the knife went through her skull, blood dripped down her forehead and she stopped moving completely.

Mrs. H's head fell back onto the pillow, only this time she was actually dead. The monster, the zombie she turned into... was gone. Not the lady she was before, she died the first time.


I groaned in annoyance as I heard the familiar mumbles coming from behind me. I slowly turned around, holding my gun out in front of me as I took out three zombies.

One shot to the head and they're dead. I turned back around before any more zombies could come for me, as I ran into the woods.

Finding food was most difficult for me. Call me crazy, but it takes everything inside me to kill an animal, even something as small as a squirrel, and eat it.

It takes me a long time to bring myself to kill another living thing that is also trying to survive in this hell people used to call the world.

Besides the point, I'm starved. So, I've gotta kill something soon or I'll turn into my worst nightmare. The walking dead.

I slip through the woods with no effort at all, making little noise. I'm fast and light on my feet. I would be a good hunter if only I didn't beat myself up every time I killed a mouse to survive.

I look through the trees and see something that pulls me from my hunger thoughts(the only thing anyone thinks about anymore). It looks like some sort of... building? I see a tall tower, so it's probably some sort of look out.

As I get closer, I spot the ginormous, gray, rundown(what isn't these days?) building with fences surrounding the whole perimeter. As I inch closer, I feel something push at the back of my head and I hear a clicking sound. That sound can only belong to a gun.

"Shit." I swear under my breath, clenching my fist around the knife I'm holding.

"Turn around." A deep voice sounds. He's obviously got the hillbilly accent(come on, we're in Georgia, how could he not?).

I gulp, slowly turning around. I look up at the man who's holding the base of his gun to my forehead. He's got the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, as clear as the ocean. He's got scruff all along his lower face, and his hair is slicked back in sweat that curl at the ends.

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