Midnight Talks

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Later that day...

"Ally!" Someone yells from behind me.

I turn around to see Maggie with a huge ass smile on her face. She looks so happy I think she might actually explode. "Maggie?"

"Guess what!"

I hesitate, waiting to see if she'll just tell me anyways. "What?"

"Rick got the showers to work!"

My jaw drops. "What?"

"I know! I was shocked too!" She beams.

"Maggie, we're gonna be clean again!" I grab her hands and we jump up and down, squealing simultaneously.

You really don't know how much a shower will mean to someone until it's gone. I think it's what I miss the most. So word of advice, don't take your showers for granted.

"Someone's happy." Glenn comments, walking into the room, rifle in hand. He must have just gotten off his shift.

"Guess what!" Maggie and I say in sinc.

"You tell him." I tell Maggie.

"No you." She squeals.

"Would someone just please tell me?" Glenn asks, staring at us like we're crazy. "Do I even want to know?"

"Hell yeah, you do!" I beam at him.

"Rick got the showers to work!" Maggie finally announced.

"Rick what?!" Glenn's jaw dropped, just as mine did.

"Yep!" Maggie and I, once again, say in unison. We giggle, and even Glenn laughs before placing a kiss on Maggie's cheek, and ruffling my hair.

"Hey," Carol then walks into the room. "Did you hear that Rick fixed the showers?"

Then Beth came in with Judith and it was a whole thing. Soon, Carl walks in and everyone turns to look at him, smiles on all of our faces.

"So I'm guessing you've all heard about the showers?"

We all break off into a fit of laughter. I'm so happy about that frickin shower, I couldn't comprehend anything else in that moment but that. "Glenn and I will make shower schedules tomorrow so we're not all in there at once." Maggie jokes.

"Sounds like a plan!" Carol laughs.

Then Carl walks up to me, all sweaty and tired looking. "Hey." He greets as he is approaching me.

"Hard day in the field, cowboy?" I ask, tipping his hat lower onto his face. He chuckles, pushing the hat back up again.

"More than you'd expect... How was Judith?"

"She is one happy baby." I comment.

He nods, smiling softly. Everyone is now slowly migrating towards the corridors to get ready for bed, so Carl acknowledges it. "Bed time?"

"Oh, thank god!"

Once Carl and I get to the end of the hall, we go our separate ways. "Get ready for bed, and then we can talk?"

I nod. "Definetfly."

When I get into my cell, I throw on a baggy t-shirt and comfy shorts. I sit on my bed, gazing around at the mess of clothes I still haven't cleaned or put away. There's a dresser to the right that Daryl had brought in, I just couldn't be bothered to put anything away. I should soon, though.

I look over at Jamie's bunny, that was oddly enough, named Bunny. The stuffing is practically everywhere. I stand up to grab Bunny: the stuffed animal that's bright blue with big brown patches for eyes and has a big white stomach.

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