He Likes Her And She Likes Him. Maybe

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Last chapter...

I take a deep breath, sitting back on my pillow. I then feel the lump from my pillow on my back before I remember Jamie's bunny.

"Hey." Before I had a chance to grab Bunny, Daryl was already walking into my cell.

"Hey, Robin Hood." I sit up, staring at him standing in the doorway.

Daryl rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face. "So, what's up?"

"Can... can I ask you something?"

Daryl hesitates, taking a moment to take a seat next to me on my bed. He's warming up to me, I can tell. "Sure."

"What did you do?"

He looks at me, raising his eyebrows. "What? When?"

"After mom died. After the police came, took you away and then took me to a foster home. What did you do?" I ask, searching his eyes. His hair is covering his face again and I have the urge to tell him to move it out of his face.

"I..." Daryl looks down at his hands before slowly looking back up at me. He's either really dramatic or he's really ashamed. "After they took you to the Foster Care, and then they took me to jail... I couldn't live with myself knowing that you were safe and that I took you from that. So when I got out of jail, I didn't come after you. You were better off with some other family." He pauses, looking between me and his hands. "I was with Merle. We traveled around..."

I nod, looking away, hesitating to tell him the truth. "It wasn't safer..."

I look back at Daryl who's staring at me with concerned eyes. Maybe. I can't tell, his hair is in the way. "What?"

"How am I supposed to tell you anything when I'm talking to your hair?" I tease. Daryl smiles, smoothing his hair out of his face.


"Ew. No, gross, cover your face back up." I joke.

Daryl chuckles, nudging my shoulder. "Nice try, but we have the same face."

I laugh. My insults can't work if we have the same face. Damn it... "Yeah."

Daryl hesitates as we go into silence. "Why weren't you safe?"

I shrug. "I learned that most Foster families are just in it for the money. They didn't care what I did, where I went." I explain. "Half of the time I was blamed for something I didn't do."

Daryl shakes his head, his eyes glossy. "I'm sorry, kid..."

I shake my head. "Wasn't your fault."

"Kinda was."

"No. You just said you wanted me to be safe. You were doing the right thing. Well, at least you thought you were." I assure him. "Like I said, doesn't matter anymore."

Daryl nods, not wanting to argue. Good, because I didn't want to argue either. "What happened when the apocalypse started? What did you do?"

I shake my head, hesitating to tell him. But when I think back on it, think about Jamie, all I wanted to do is cry. "I can't... I don't... " I bite my lip. "I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled, looking down at my own hands.

Daryl nods, looking away as well. We sit in silence, until I decided to break it. "Can you tell me more about Mom?"

He looks back at me. "Like what?"

I shrug, looking up at him. "Anything."

Daryl looks at his hands and sighs. "Later..." He stands up, looking back at me once more. "Get some sleep."

I nod, deciding to just let him drop the conversation. "You too."

He nods back, heading for the exit. "Night."

"Night." I mumble, resting my head on the pillow. Once he's gone, I reach under the pillow, grabbing Bunny and wrapping my arms around him as I close my eyes.

As I'm trying to count sheep or whatever, trying to get myself to fall asleep, my mind drifts off and soon I find myself thinking about Carl.

His bright blue eyes, his soft pink lips, his light freckles on his arms, his long brown hair that brushes against his shoulders, his flannels he has an abundance of, his smile, his laugh, the way he walks.

Ally, what are you talking about? I ask myself.

Do I like Carl? I sit up, my heart pounding in my chest and butterflies in my stomach.

I think I like Carl... And I can't help but smile.

(Carl POV)

I slowly laid my head on the pillow, staring up at the bottom of the top bunk. I rested my hands on my stomach, sighing quite loudly. I laid there with only one thing on my mind.


Her bright forest green eyes, the scar on her bottom lip, her long flowy brown hair that curls at the ends, her perfectly straight teeth, her sarcastic humor, her smile, her laugh, the jumble of black jeans she owns.

Why am I thinking so much about Ally? I ask myself.

Do I have a crush on Ally? Everyone seems to think so(Beth, Glenn). I sit up, my heart pounding in my chest and butterflies in my stomach.

I think I like Ally... And I couldn't hold back the smile that formed on my face.

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