Good Shot

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Two people were murdered and their bodies were burned. Turns out, they were sick and this virus is going around. A deadly sickness.

The whole situation kinda scared the shit out of me because we were living with a fucking murder. One person that had been burned was Tyreese's girlfriend, and the sweet man I once knew, was gone. Her death changed him. Right now, he's digging a grave. And he won't stop.

I guess both of the victims were sick and now everyone with the signs of the sickness is being quarantined. It's some sort of deadly virus and more than half of the people in cell block D caught it, including Glenn and Sasha.

All kids were moved downstairs, out of harm's way. Except Lizzie, Mika's sister, and Maya. They're upstairs, being quarantined and Mika's is freaking the fuck out for her sister. "Is Lizzie going to be okay?"

"Yes, Mika, Lizzie will be just fine. Soon, we're going on a run for medicine."

"But, you're such she's okay...? Alive?"

I'm kneeling down to Mika's size, holding her hands in mine. "Yes, I promise you your sister is alive. We're going to make this better, okay? The best thing you can do is just hang in there for your sister and wish her hope."

Mika sighs, nodding. "Okay." She wraps her arms around my neck in a quick hug and I quickly hug her back. "Thank you, Ally."

I nod, standing up. "You don't need to thank me, I'm just telling you the truth." I smile down at her and that makes her smile too. "Now, go help Beth with Judith."

Mika nods firmly, standing up a little straighter to boost her confidence. "Yes, ma'am."

I laugh as she skips over to Beth, who is rocking Judy in her arms. I turn around to see Carl, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at me, smirking. "What?" I ask, smiling back at him.

"That was cute."

"Shut up."

I walk towards him, bringing my face extremely close to his. He glances down at my lips before his eyes find mine again. But before I could let him lean in and kiss me, I shove his hat over his face.

"Hey!" He complains, trying to re-fix his hat.
I step back, laughing as I do. "Hey is for horses." I tell him.

Carl rolls his eyes, smiling. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off... "Ally!" We here Rick calling for me.

Carl sighs, rolling his eyes. "Every single time." And it was like he was reading my mind. I laugh, planting a kiss on his nose. Carl smiles back at me before looking back at the rest of the kids in the room. "Everyone stay here. No one leaves. I will be back."

I begin to follow Carl before Beth speaks up. "Be careful, Ally. Come back alive."

I smile back at her, nodding. "You bet I will."

"You better." Mika comments, smiling up at me.

I nod. "Don't worry about me." And then I follow Carl out of the room. Ever since I went on my first hunt with this group, they wanted me to go every time. And here's why...


Somehow, Rick convinced Daryl to let me go on the run... as long as he went with. Breaking the news to Carl was the hard part. "You're what?!"

"She's coming with us." Rick repeats for me.


"She's an excellent shot, and we need her." Rick says, staring down at his pissed-off son.

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