After She Died

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My hands are shaking. I drop my bloody knife on the road and don't bother to pick it back up. My hands and shirt are covered in dry blood and all I want to do is find a quiet place and ball my eyes out.

I eventually drop to my knees, right then and there, on the dirt road and cry and cry and cry. I then slam my fists against the pavement until they bleed.

I pull out my gun, leaving my knife and backpack on the road because I just don't give two f*cks about anything anymore.

I run down the road until I see the zombies roaming in the woods. "Hey!" I run towards them, beginning to shoot at them. "Come here you shit heads!"

I know that I'm making way too much noise and more will come and find me, being attracted to the loud noise.

But that's what I want.

I'm so angry and sad that I just don't care what happens to me anymore. I scream at them and blame them for all my goddamn problems.

Soon, I run out of bullets.

And I left my knife behind.

So, I pick up a rock and smash the zombies brains in instead. It only works for awhile and then it becomes too much.

"Shit." I mumbled. I can't hold all of them off. I slowly back up, tripping over an old tree stump.

F*ck, I'm so stupid and clumsy.

A walker towers over me and soon falls right on my stomach. I hold it up by its chest and it's snapping its teeth at me. My arms are shaking and I'm about to drop it.

So... this is how I die.

Just as I'm about to give up, drop the zombie ontop of my sweaty body, the sound of a gun goes off. The zombie drops on top of me but it's dead. A bullet to the brain.

I push it off me and more come my way, but they're all shot down in seconds. I stumble to stand up, gripping my gun in my hand, even though I am out of ammo.

"Hey!" A voice of man sounds. I shot my head towards the sound of the voice. A group of people carrying weapons and backpacks walk towards me from somewhere deep in the woods.

I gasp, staring at them. I can't run; they'll shoot me. The best I can do is wait to see what they want. They did save me, after all.

"Hey."  A tall man with long brown hair and a bandanna on his head, slowly approached me. "You okay?"

I wasn't expecting that to be the first thing he says. "Uh... Yeah." I hesitate, trying to study his face. "Thanks." He's got dark brown eyes, and about a million freckles just on his face. He smiles at me, showing me his extremely straight teeth.

"I'm Brad." He introduces himself. "And... that's Harry," He points to the small blond kid behind him. "Abby," Brad points to the tall brunette with quite large muscles. "Charlie," The skinny red headed kid also with lots of freckles. "And Noah." He points to the final kid in his group who has dark skin, deep brown eyes and is very tall.

"I'm Rory." I lie, trying to keep steady on my shaking legs.

"You sure you're okay?" Brad asks again, watching me closely.

"I'm fine." I say, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, again..."

Brad nods. "Ugh." I see Abby from behind Brad roll her eyes. "Come on, Brad. We have to go back now."

"Wait." Brad tells her, never taking his eyes off me. "Are you alone?"

I stare at him for moment. "Depends... are you guys?"

"Well, no. We have a camp a few blocks away from here. We heard the gunshots and decided to check it out." Brad explains.

"Saving your ass in the process." Abby mumbles, obviously annoyed.

"Knock it off, Abby." Noah rolls his eyes at her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't mind her." Charlie adds, softly nudging Abby in the shoulder. She rolls her eyes.

I'm debating or not to trust these people. If I go with them, they could kill me. But I was going to be anyway if it weren't for them. They did save me. What's the worst that could happen? Dying obviously isn't the worst.

"I'm alone." I finally say.

"Have you been alone this whole time?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me.

I shake my head. "Not up until yesterday." I whisper.

The group exchanges a glance. "I'm sorry." Brad says, sympathy filling his eyes. I look down at the ground.

What's the point of living if I'm only protecting myself?

"We've lost people too."

"We've all lost something." I don't hesitate to say.

Brad nods, "Exactly." There's this awkward moment of silence where we are both weighing our decisions. "Would... would you like to come with us?"

I stare at him for a second. And then his group. The only one that doesn't really seem to want me with them is Abby, but maybe she just always looks annoyed. "Come with you?"

"To our camp. We've got some extra supplies, and you seem like you could use it." Brad shrugs, a smile on his face. "Come with us."



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