There Was Five But Now There's Six

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"Hey Ror-" Noah stopped once he was in my tent, looking down at me. "Are you okay?"

I was staring down at Bunny, missing Jamie more than ever. I had just lost her, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

I nod my head, quickly wiping the tears off my face. Noah hesitates, sitting down across from me. I can't bring myself to look up at him, so I stare at Bunny, picking at his rough dirt stain.

Noah shakes his head, trying to look me in the eye. "You're not okay..."

But, I don't answer him. Afraid if I do, I'll start balling. He fidgets in the tight space, trying to find the right words, or to just say anything at all.

Noah looks down at Bunny in my hands and points to him. "What's that?"

"It's... It's Jamie's." I sniffle, running my thumb across the stuffed toys stomach.

"Your sister... right?"

I nod, biting my lip, keeping my eyes on Bunny no matter what. "I had brothers." Noah speaks. "Twin brothers... They might still be alive. I dunno."

I nod, still avoiding eye contact.

"I'll find them one day..."

"I'll help you." I croak.

"What?" Noah asks, generally confused.

"Your family. Your Brothers. I'll help you find them." I say a bit louder, finally moving only my eyes to look at him.

"Really?" He's all scrunched up in my small tent, and he's a tall man, holding his long legs to his chest.

I nod, wiping my eyes again. "I know what it feels like. I want to help you."

Noah nods, smiling. "Thank you..."

I nod too, and then we just sit there in silence. I don't want and/or have anything else to say, so i'm just waiting for him to get the hell out. But he looks somewhat comfortable and doesn't look like he'll be leaving anytime soon.

"So... your name isn't really Rory, is it?"

My eyes bug out and my heart drops into my stomach. "W-what?"

"Um... I was talking about when sometimes we call your name, you don't answer. Like you're not used to your own name... I was joking, though..." I stare at him, not knowing what to say, and soon he catches on. "Wait. That's not your real name?!"

"Shh!" I shushed him, softly slapping his shoulder.

"But... Why did you lie?" He whispers, anxious for answers.

"Because I didn't know who the hell you were!" I whisper yell. "And I was alone..."

"True..." Noah sighs. "But to be fair, we didn't know who you were either." He points out. "So, what is your real name?"

I shake my head. "We're not that close, buddy."

(And from that day on, he was my best friend. And yes, in small amount of time, we were that close. Probably even closer.)


"Ally." Carl whispers, shaking my shoulder. I moan, shaking my head, not opening my eyes. "Come on, Ally, wake up." He shakes me harder now, squeezing my arm tight.

"Mm... What?" I slur, opening my eyes to look up at him.

And he looks terrified. There's a horrendous fear behind his eyes and he's gripping my arm for dear life. I'm suddenly fully awake and alert, staring at him, waiting for him to tell me what the situation is.

He then turns his head toward the window and I follow his gaze. A man I've never seen before is looking into the car window, smiling evilly at us. I jump, gasping. The man laughs, holding up his knife and tapping it against the window.

"Ally...?" I hear Hunter's small voice coming from the backseat.

I sit up, keeping my eyes focused on the man. "Hunter, don't get up. Stay down and stay put. Don't move and don't say anything."


"Just don't move. Do that for me, okay? Don't move."

And after that, he doesn't question it and stays put and silent, lying across the back seat. I'm just hoping the man doesn't see him.

Just then there's a loud knock, coming from my window. I jump again, quickly snapping my head towards my window to see another man, looking at me. Staring at me. Smirking at me.
Both men trade looks through the windows before opening both car doors.

"No!" Carl screams, grabbing my hand. But the two men are far stronger than us, pulling us apart, in separate directions.

I don't know what's happening to Carl but I hear him screaming and grunting and crying. The man on my side of the window pulls me out of the car and tackles me to the ground.
I try punching and kicking my way out of his grip, but he's not letting go for dear life. He takes my hands down on each side of my head, firmly holding them against the concrete and I can't escape.

"Claimed!" The man yells, practically sitting on top of me. He's crushing me under his fat skin and heavy weight and I can't move.

"Just them go." I hear Rick speaking, his voice shaking. "This was me, not them!"

And I hear a different man explain to Rick he's going to kill Michonne and then Carl and make him watch. And then he says they're gonna take me back with them, because I've been 'claimed.'

"Hey!" And I know that voice from anywhere. "Stop!"

It's Daryl.

My dad.

And holy shit he's alive.

"These people... you've got to let them go."

"Dad!" I yell, but it probably sounds more like a squeak because I can't breath.

I can see him out of the corner of my eye as he whips around. "Ally!" Then he sees how much I'm struggling to breath. "Hey get off her, man!"

But the man shakes his head, smirking. "She's been claimed."

"Alrighty... why don't we teach Daryl a lesson?" A different man speaks. Just then two other men begin to beat up Daryl. He's on the ground, trying to fight back, but they're just beating the shit out of him.

I try to scream and yell, but it doesn't seem to be working. The man on top of me chuckles, grabbing the hem of my shirt to lift it up... but then, he stops. He stares up at something happening and I take his opportunity to punch him in the nose.

He falls back, groaning in pain, holding his nose with both hands. I jump back into the car, grabbing my gun. And once I get a hold on it, the man pulls me by my foot, dragging me out of the car. I scrap my chin on the door of the car when the man pulled me and I fell. I grunted, turning around and quickly blowing his brains out before he could tackle me once again.

Just as the man hits the floor, Daryl runs up to me, limping a little, dropping to the ground and wrapping his arms around me so tight and protectively; I can't help but lean against him, feeling as safe as ever. I'm breathing heavily and I'm shaking like crazy.

I then look up at the others, just like Daryl is doing. Rick is now stabbing the man that had Carl, over and over again. It's something I can't watch and don't want to see. There's so much anger in Rick, I can just tell. Behind him, Michonne is squeezing Carl against her and he's watching his dad in fear.

He looks back at me and I look at him and at the exact same time, we close our eyes, not wanting to watch anymore.

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