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"Good morning Zane~Senpai~!" Kawaii~Chan greeted Zane as he walked in.

"Kawaii~Chan, it's noon..." Zane replied.

"Nya~! I just woke up about fifteen minutes ago! I'm a heavy sleeper," Kawaii~Chan said.

They chatted for almost an hour. In the mean time...

"Thank you for fixing our window pane," Aphmau said to the window pane replacer guy.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I accidentally hit it with my elbow," Aaron apologized.

"Oh, it's no worries. The window's all finished so I'm going to go ahead and throw this old cracked one in the dumpster. Bye!–"

"Wait you're not using it?" Aphmau interrupted.

"Uhh no. You can't replace any windows in the hotel with a cracked one. You can have it if you really want, though. I don't care."

"We'll take it!!" Aphmau exclaimed. She took the surprisingly light window pane from the guy.

"Well, bye!" Window Pane Replacer Guy said.

"Byee!" Aphmau responded.

"What are we going to do with a window pane?" Aaron questioned.

"I've always wanted to try jumping through a window... I thought this would be a good pane to try with? You know, without having to pay for a new one?"

"Oh... um... sure! we can take a window out so you can... jump... through it..."

So they got that all set up, and then Aphmau did the best window break ever and made ALL DA FANGIRLS SCREAM AND BE HAPPY.

Sooo... I've kinda run out of ideas for the current time, so I'm going to fast forward to the end of the summer when everyone goes home... Tell me if you strongly disagree and if so I'll just try and find more things to write about.

Oh, and one more thing.

Kawaii~Chan dreamt that night about shirtless Zane making out with her.

Zana (A Zane x Kawaii~Chan Story)Where stories live. Discover now