Hey guys :/

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Hey everyone who didn't give up on me... I'm sorry for the random absence of my existence. I'm in the hospital right now, but feeling much better than I did. October 31, I trick-or-treated like any normal human does. I got scoffed at, ignored, and given one piece of candy like anyone my age would be if seen trick-or-treating. I don't know who gave it to me, but once I came home and ate candy, one piece of candy, specifically a snickers bar, was... strange. I bit into it, and as soon as I did, I started to feel dizzy. I think I fainted... and I just woke up today after being asleep for four days. It turns out there were traces of hemlock inside the snickers bar. Luckily, the amount I consumed was so small that it was nothing lethal, but still made me extremely sick. I'll try to upload regularly still, but if I don't, I hope you understand. I hope at least some of you are still here for me...

Zana (A Zane x Kawaii~Chan Story)Where stories live. Discover now