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(the E is supposed to be cat ears)

()~October 2nd~()

"Huuuahhhhhhhhhhh..." Kawaii~Chan yawned. Yes that is a yawn written by me...

The clock said 5:00 AM. Aww... Zane~Senpai wasn't next to her... he had gone home... And Kawaii~Chan wasn't tired. No, Kawaii~Chan was bored. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... OOH I KNOW! She would go on a morning walk and think about new ideas for her Kawaii~Sama x Zanne fanfic.

So Kawaii~Chan brushed her hair, put on SEXY clothes XD And did some other stuff. Then, she set out.


Hmmm... I could make them make out in Kawaii~Sama's dream and then imitate it in real life and have Zanne propose to Kawaii~Sama and it be a beautiful black-iron ring with a pink and black gem on i– "GAH!"

Kawaii~Chan fell over onto her tail. "OUCH! Wha–? ZANA~CHAN!?"

"Surprised to see me, huh?" Zana smirked. "I don't care. Tell me how close you are to Senp– er... Zane."

"Very close, for a matter of fact. You don't have a chance with him. So any feelings, back off," Kawaii~Chan growled.

"Oooo kitty got claws, eh?" Zana retorted. "Get out of my face or there's revenge."

"Ha! Try me," Kawaii~Chan smirked. "I trained for six years on how to be a police officer. Good luck beating this."

"Oh, I'm *sooo* scared. I'm gonna get beat up by a p***y! Truly terrified," Zana sarcastically insulted.

Kawaii~Chan gasped. I am NOT what you said!!"

"Oh yes hun, you are."

"GRRR!" Kawaii~Chan swung at Zana, who grabbed her arm and twisted it.

"OW! URRRGH!!" Kawaii~Chan stumbled back but balanced herself and charged towards Zana, jumped up, and spun around to kick her in the face. But Zana grabbed Kawaii~Chan's tail and threw her to the ground. Zana stomped on her face, crushing her nose, picked up Kawaii~Chan's head, and slammed it on the ground.

"Oh, and one more thing." Zana pulled out a potion. "This potion only allows you to say lies, usually aimed towards putting you in the worst position ever. You tried to mess with the demon, and you got the horns. Oh, and please. Don't bother trying to hurt me again. This was only the beginning." And with that, Zana shoved the plastic bottle of potion into Kawaii~Chan's mouth, and slammed her foot down onto Kawaii~Chan's head, leaving her unconscious.

Zana (A Zane x Kawaii~Chan Story)Where stories live. Discover now