A Different Person...

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He slowly opened his eyes, groaning at the massive headache he had. He looked around. "Where am I?" he asked. The unknown room he was in had red wallpaper and an OAK wooden floor, quite a nice room. Somebody opened the door in front of him.

"Oh, are you awake?" a girl's voice asked. It sounded familiar.

"Hmmmmph," he groaned. He couldn't say anything— he was too tired. And he felt like crap.

"Oof, you're right. A hangover like that would be deadly." he recognized the voice now. It was Aphmau.

"Why can't I remember anything after Monday?" Zane asked himself. His eyes went dead. "Monday..."

Oh my god, Aphmau thought, I can't believe he hasn't let himself get sober for almost the entire week... I won't let something so sad happen to someone so sweet.

"You've been sleeping this whole week. You may not remember, but the dentist took you in to get a gum surgery, but it turns out the anesthetic machine was broken and it emptied all the gas into your lungs," Aphmau expertly improved. normally this might kill someone but let's just chill— you're shipping characters in a minecraft roleplay series here. you clearly have no standards.

"Wow, that's a completely unconvincing story but I'm going to go with it," Zane said.

"Coolio. I'm gonna go grab Kawaii~Chan and tell her to come up here."

Zane cried on the inside. I thought she was afraid of me... thank god it was just a dream...

Aphmau went downstairs and grabbed Kawaii~Chan. "KC, I have something to show you. But let me just tell you first: Zane thought it was all a dream and you can too. You can start over."

Kawaii~Chan followed Aphmau upstairs. Just as she was about to walk into the room, Aphmau shut her in and locked the door. seriously? with your rape attempter? i mean that would mess people up— it messed me up when it happened to me but whatevs ill just unrealistically continue the story

"WHAT?!" Kawaii~Chan banged on the door. "LET ME OUT DEAR GOD!!"

Zane sat up. "Nana? Is that you?"

Kawaii~Chan paused and stared at Zane. She listened to his words. They were, despite his awful, deadly hangover... innocent. She looked back to when he first confessed his love. When he comforted her on the coaster. When he cuddled her on the airplane ride. When he defended her against everyone else, no matter what the costs. But then she remembered him tackling her. She remembered the pain of crashing on the wood floor. She remembered the pure terror of getting a 150 pound grown man off a 110 pound girl... before it was too late.

And she remembered that manic look on his face as he drank shot, after shot, after shot.


Zane stared at his hands. It wasn't a dream. He started to cry. He slapped himself. He hid under the blankets, balling up with his knees to his chest. "Why did I do that?" he repeated his words over and over again. "I'm not like that."

Kawaii~Chan kept sobbing, kept screaming, staring only at the door. Then she averted her eyes and stared at Zane. He wasn't staring maliciously or trying to attack her... in fact, he was crying. Sobbing, even. With his knees to his chest. Kawaii~Chan stopped screaming and stood up. She slowly walked to him...

She jumped back after seeing a bottle opener in his hands in a position that could be used as a weapon. Then she slowly walked over and saw that it wasn't aiming at her— he was aiming at himself, specifically his own wrists.

Then she looked up his arm with his sleeves rolled up. She saw cuts lined up all over it. And they all seemed to be recent— within the last week recent.

"Stop that, Zane," Nana ripped the bottle opener from his fingers. Zane looked up at her, eyes wet and face red. He dug his face into his sweatshirt again.

Kawaii~Chan struggled to tough him, but knew she had to. Focusing on her positive memories of Zane, she lifted up his chin. "I'm still here for you... like you were always here for me." She smiled weakly.

Zane slowly sat up, then stretched out his arms for a hug. He started to move closer to embrace Nana, but paused as she backed away and waited for her to accept.

Then, Kawaii~Chan hesitantly wrapped her arms around Zane. She smelled his familiar, inviting aroma and hugged his soft, comforting sweatshirt. He held her, and Nana realized that this truly wasn't the man who harassed her, and wasn't the man who obsessively drank himself to madness.

Zana (A Zane x Kawaii~Chan Story)Where stories live. Discover now