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Nana woke up, refreshed from her beauty sleep... she had gone to bed at around 7 p.m. last night, and, as the result, was awake and moving at only 9:30 a.m. She washed, brushed, dressed, put on makeup, and ate a good breakfast (a cinnamon roll & pancakes), then decided to walk outside.
Ah, the last time I took a walk like this, I got horribly beaten up and tortured by a potion until I lied to everyone and everything around me and made everyone hate me and wish I were dead. Nana smiled now, feeling light as a feather as that depressing chain of thoughts surged through her mind. Y'know, she thought, I think I'm gonna go visit Zane for no reason since we seem to be the only characters in this fanfic anymore.

So she walked to Zane's house and knocked. The door creaked open from the pounding of her fist. "Uh... hello?" Nana nervously peered into the familiar house of Zane, Garroth, and Laurence. The house luckily wasn't haunted from a ghost, and Laurence walked out from behind the door he had opened for Nana.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan. What brings you here?" Laurence naively asked.

"I'm here for Zane," KC said.

Laurence cracked up. "I'm sorry, I thought I heard you say you were here for ZANE. Please repeat that?"

Kawaii~Chan sighed. I'm here for ZANE. Have you seen him?"

Laurence sat there for a moment, shocked. He came to his senses again and said "Uhm... okay then. I'm pretty sure he's upstairs. Hiding in his room like always."

"Thanks." Kawaii~Chan walked past Laurence and into the house. She went upstairs to Zane's room and knocked.

...No answer.

Nana knocked again.

...Still no answer.

She opened the door to Zane sitting on his bed watching [insert vaguely inappropriate movie here] SHIRTLESS.

"OHHHHHHH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA" Nana yelled trying not to swear.

"Oh hey Nana," Zane said cooly. Then he looked down at his uncovered face and shirtless body. "OHHHHHHH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA AHHHHHHHH"

Nana ran into the wall after covering her eyes. She was now blind from Zane's sparkle vampire chest that was already so pale but now had sparkles because he reminds me of a vampire and a sparkle vampire because fangirls crush on him all the time but everyone else thinks he's weird except for Nutella Sw— I mean Nana who has a huge crush on him and they were happy


Zana (A Zane x Kawaii~Chan Story)Where stories live. Discover now