Chapter 15

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Something was wrong. I could feel it as I tossed ad turned. Austin woke up an asked if I was ok.

" I just feel like something is wrong." I said

"Like what?" Austin said

"I dot know but I get bad head aches and then my stomach hurts and I don't know what to do."

Austin placed his hand on my stomach and then pulled away.

My phone went off and Austin picked it up.

- maybe your pregnant. you may have let that ugly thing get you pregnant. good luck and watch out-

Austin read the text out loud.

Why is the person accusing me of things. I'm obviously not pregnant. i just feel like something's wrong.

"Maybe it's a twin thing. maybe Morgan is hurt or something and you re getting signals." Austin laughed. but then we heard a scream.

I jumped up but Austin pushed me down.

"Stay here don't go aanywhere"

He said and grabbed my softball bat and walked out of the room.

Tears fell from my face as I got scared I heard Austin on the phone.

"Yes you need to send someone now" I didn't want to listen aanymore

Austin came back and told me to go in Morgan's room. when I walked in I saw Morgan lying on the floor. and I dropped to my knees and.....

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