Chapter 7

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Your POV

It was around midnight when I heard, a voice, it didn't sound familiar but creepy for sure.
It whispered something that sounded like Soon my love, soon. What does that even mean. I looked around the room... nothing but a sleeping Carter. I patted his head, his hair was really soft like an ocelot's fur.
What ever it was I saw nothing, so I went back to sleep.

Time skip mornin

I woke to the smell of Bacon and Eggs, what a delightful smell to wake up too.
I traveled to the kitchen, as I walked in I was greeted by a friendly face of Steve.

"Mornin, bedhead hoped you slept good, bacon is on the counter."
Steve said pointing to the plate full of bacon. It's like he is my husband or he loves me or something, or mabey it's the bacon that loves me.

I looked at the spoon for the eggs, no wonder he called me bedhead.
I was a mess. My hair was everywhere.
"Thank you, Stevie but may I fix myself up before I eat?"
"Well yeah its your hygiene, not mine."
"Great thanks." I thanked him, obviously. I headed to the bathroom to do my business. And I hopped in and out of the shower, as I was putting the dirty clothes and towels in the basket I noticed Carter is sleeping in. What did he do last night this time?
I noticed a book on his stomach, I turned to the cover while using my thumbs for a bookmark. I read the cover,  You've got to be kidding me, this Herobrine crap again!?
Eh, whatever just wake him up to eat, there is bacon waiting for me on the table.

I shook Carter awake, he jolted awake, he actually jumped probably cuz it looked like I was strangling him. It took him forever to wake up and eat. At least he is out of bed.

Hey guys for the next chapter can you help put an idea down, I'm running out lol. plz help out thank u
                          - Meowcraft

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