Chapter 12

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Before I start with the story I'd like u guys to know I'm going on a trip with my Fam, in Florida so I might not get this story in on time that I want to, so srry for the lack of updates.
On with the story:

Steve's POV
I opened my deep sea like eyes and stretched my limbs out. Glade that is over, hopefully she listened to me about looking outside, or going. Better go check on her. I lifted myself on to the floor and changed in to my original cloths. I greeted Carter in the living area of the house, and headed to Y/n's room. I knocked first just incase. Nothin
I opened the door to an empty bed, I entered and checked the bathroom.
Nothin again.
I looked at her stuff and notice her bag was gone.
Without hesitation I raced down the stairs to tell Carter. He looked horrified, we made a plan and head out to find her. Where ever you are
Y/n, I swear to Notch, I will find you, and protect you.

Your POV
I groaned as I lifted myself from the boards of the extremely uncomfortable bed, and stretched my sore back and tailbone, I looked around a little bit not aware of anything, until I was actually awake and looked again and fully aware that, I'm in a cell!
I did a full circle and notice a small window and looked through it.
Just as I thought, Ghast flew around, zombie pigmen roamed, so did blases, magma cubs, and wither skeletons. I looked through it more and saw quartz, lava, Nether rack, and Nether brick.
It was clear to me that I'm in the Nether, and my kidnapper is non other than Herobrine.

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