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Alex's POV

Leaving. Is a painful word that comes with goodbye. Its killing me inside. Why is this happening to me. The more i think about it, every single and simple moments with harry are the most special things that happened but now its all gone.

"Why? You said you will always be with me. Why did you leave me?" I cry. Seeing these pictures on Harry's wall. These memories are now suffocating me. I can't breathe, tears are falling so fast, im running out of air, my head hurts. Everything hurt.

"Harry!" I cried loudly. I sat on the floor. My head is on my knees. "You said you'd stay. Now your gone.... forever."

I heard footsteps running towards the rooms door. The door opened and everyone is there watching me crying. G holding my son.

"Oh alex, please stop crying." Her voice is cracking.

"I don't think i can survive another day without him, G." I said.

"Don't say that Alex. We are hear for you." Liam pointing everyone. "Baby harold too. I know Harry wants you to be happy without him. You have a lot of reasons to live alex."

"How? How can i be a mother to my son? Im at my lowest point of my life right now. I'm going crazy Liam." Liam hugged me.

"We will help you get through this babe. Don't worry, okay? You are not alone." He assured me. We love you."

"Thank you." I said.

"We have to go now Alex." Sheena said breaking the drama. "Our flight leaves soon."

"Yeah, nice one breaking the moment sheena." G said.

"We have to go." I say.

"We will contact you soon, okay?" Niall said. "Be safe love." He kissed me on my forehead and he goes to Sheena to say goodbye.

"I will be following you soon, okay?" G hugged me and i just nod then she gives me harold.

----- at the airport ------

Sheena, me and my son are waiting for our flight. The boys and G are at Harry's house. They did not come to the airport as planned so no paparazzi knows im leaving the country after Harry died. The thought of him makes me cry, looking at my son makes me remember all about him.

"Please be strong alex." Sheena cuts my thoughts. "I know its hard but you have to be strong, all this will be worth it in the end."

"What do you mean all of this?" I asked. It seems like there's something behind what she said. "Sheena? What do you---"

"We have to go, there calling our flight now." She cuts again. Somethings off. "Wait... answer me."

"This is not the time for Q and A alex. Everything is according to the plan. Please, just don't ask." She gets our stuff. "Lets go."

What's the plan? This? Leaving? This is my plan. I plan of leaving everything hear, go home to my parents and forgets everything that's happened here and there. I was thinking so deep and i did not realize we are at the wrong flight.

"Wait. Wait. This is not our--- flight. Whats going on sheena?" I ask.

"I said no asking, alex."

"I can't just trust you. Wait! I did not even planned to tag you along. I suppose to home with my son. Just my son and me." I said.

She roles her eyes. "The boys planned this, your enemy doesn't know who the hell i am so they let me tag along with you and no you are not going home to your parents. I'll explain later after we take our seats,okay?" She talked so fast. "Come on, before you make scene and everyone knows Harry's widow is on the plane." She said.

"Fine. I have a lot of questions." I say back.


When we finally comfortable with our seats on the VIP part of this plane that seems like it just the three of us here. "Okay, now answers please." I say. I know she knows every questions i have for her to answer.

"Okay, we are going to Australiaaaaaaa!" She cheers.

"Wher--- what?! How come I did not realized it at the airport?" I ask.

"You are deep in your thoughts and that time you didn't realize I dragged you to the next line." She smile proudly. "Alex you can't go home to your parents. Too risky and dangerous." She said. "You need to be safe somewhere they don't know."

"They?" I wondered.

"Its not just selena who wants you dead. Even Taylor too."

"WHAT? Harry's dead. What more they want from me?I only have my son." I cry. "They took harry from me. What else? They are not human anymore."

"The boys working on it alex." She comforts me.

"You know whats funny? This, this is like a movie. These bullsh*ts suppose to happen in movies. But it happened to me." I laugh. "Can you tell the director to cuts this movie now, please." I cry harder this time covering my face.  "It hurts. It hurts so bad."


Liam's POV

"Lets do this lad. We will put an end to this mess." Liam said.

"Where are you going?" G ask.

"G, do what i say. Call Alex's parents tell them she's going somewhere else and that she's spending time there to forget everything, any reasons. Make sure they buys it, okay love?" Liam said.

"Okay, but--"

"Do it and prepare all thats needed and you go follow alex and baby harold." He cuts me.

"But how about harrys wak---"

"There's no wake. We have to go." He kissed me and they all leave.

"No wake? What's that supposed to mean?"

Zayn's POV

"We have to split after we go in in that car wash. Liam there's a car waiting for you inside, you can use that then frank will take over your spot here. There's a car following as at the back, that black SUV." I said.

"Is it weird that we go washy-washy our car at this moment?" Louise asked.

"Well, it is weird but lets hope they'll buy it lou." I answer lou.

"Okay, that's a good plan so far scape them." Niall said.

"Good thing franks is on call." Liam said.

"Okay, we're next." I said. "When we get to the second stage of cleaning you can get out Liam." I thumbed up.

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