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A/N: ahhhh, liam 

Harry's mom called me as early as 6am. She asked me if alex is already awake.  She was, because she had a nightmare last night and her meds were taking her to deep sleep. Harry died after the day alex gave birth to harold.  He even talked to as, well, not directly talking but he wrote his questions using a pen and paper. But when he ask about where alex is we told him she was resting because he gave birth to their baby boy, he was so happy, unbelievably happy despite of his situation but few hours after he suffered intense seizures, the doctor did not able to revived him. Niall was the last mate he got talked to before he died.

"That's what he meant!" Niall cried.

"What do you mean mate?" Louis ask him.

"When i talked to him before the seizure stikes he-he said to take good care of harold and alex..." they both cried. 

"Why did he runs from this! His family needs him and then he just run from his responsibility!" Zayn cries out.

"Now now." I said hugging zayn. "Even if harry is gone he will still be with us, you know he will."

Remembering a love once who passed away, specially your best mate is so hard. I cant even believe it.  We talked for a moment then in one snap his gone.

I was out of the room and the other lads where in harrys house preparing his wake but one thing bothered us, the doctor said harry ask if he dies he wants to cremates his body immediately and Niall must do it himself.  No one will see his body except niall. He dont want to see all of his love once sad. I even read his letter.

"Babe?" G walks out the room.

"Hey, morning babe." I kiss her on the cheeks.

"What are you thinking?  You never went back to sleep after that call." She ask.

"Its anne. Niall is going to the cremation place."

"With Harry's body?"

"No, the hospital drives his body there." We both wonder why.

"How will we explain it to her,liam?"she ask sadly.

"I.....i dont know g."

"Its....its so hard to see her breaks again. I--i dont know how." She said. I brought her in front of me, looking face to face.

"She will survive this babe, especially now that she has harold." I say to her holding his cheeks. "She'll make it out."

"I wish she will." She hugs me. "Go to sleep first, I'll wake you up when niall calls, okay?"

"Okay babe."

"The couch is free for you, I'll go get some breakfast. "

She went down and i went inside to get some nap.


I was asleep for two good hours, that was the longest i slept.

"Wow, that was goos sleep for years." I said then got up. I get myself some water then i notice the food George bought it fells to the floor. 

"Alex!" When i look to alex bed, he wasnt there. "God!" I ran out the room. "Alex?... alex!" I look left and right.

"Alex, please listen to me first." Someone i heard who looks like george almost shouting.

"Where is harry, george? Why he's not in his room?"

"George?" I walk to that direction.

"No, where is harry?! Why cant you tell me where he is george?" Alex said angry.

"Alex...." now im running, two nurses are holding alex including george trying to explain to her.

"Alex please, just calm....calm down.Harry's..... harry is fine..." George said looking away.

"Your a terrible liar george!"

"Alex...stop it. Lets go back to your room." I speak.

"Liam..." george said worried.

"Liam where's harry? Why is his room empty? "

"Calm down first alex." I grab her.

"No, where is he?"

"Stop bring stubborn now, they wi deliver harold any moment now. Stop worrying about harry, his fine and out now." I say immediately. She calm down the moment she hears about harold.

"Now, lets go back to your room?" She nods.  "George, lets go." I cant tell her now. We are not ready yet, she's not ready yet. 

Where in her room now, i sit her in her bed. a nurse then came in with harold jn her arms.

"The baby is here...." she announced happily, alex then lighten up. I took the opportunity to talk to george.

"Will be outside alex while you breast....feed harold." I half smile looking awkward.

"George what happened?" I ask her.

"When i came back she's not in the room, then when i look for her,i found her outside Harry's room." She explains.


"I...i cant tell her then she goes angry and-and..."

"Shhhh....shh... calm down babe." i hug her.

"How can we tell her that harry is dead liam..." g said.

"What?" When we look to the door, its alex.  "Who's dead?"


"Alex...." george cracked.

"George, liam? Who's dead? Tell me its not him." The look in her face, hurt, shocked but mostly pain.

"Alex...please listen." George tries to explain to her.

"No, please.  Its not true. No--,no no." Alex cried. "His not. No. No."

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