Are You Listening?

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Lucy P.O.V.

          Lisanna has been back for for a month now. We haven't really talked. She seems nice though. But I wouldn't know, she's usually busy talking to the others.

          "Hey, Natsu! Wanna go on a job?" I asked him politely. But he just ignored me. Why was he ignoring me? He would never ignore me if it were about a job.

          "Natsu, are you listening to me?" I asked cautiously, just incase he was mad at me. But if he was mad at me, what did I do? Still, no response. I sadly walked away to a further table. Why wouldn't he talk to me?

          "Hey, Lu-chan. Whats the matter?" My bestfriend, Levy Mcgarden, asked sitting at my table.

          "Natsu won't talk to me. He just keeps ignoring me. Do you think he's mad at me?" I asked, sadly.

          "Do I need to talk some sense into that thick headed jerk?" She said balling her fist.

          "Go ahead, knock yourself out. If you can" I quietly chuckled. She got out of her seat and walked over to Natsu, admitting a angered aura.

          "Natsu! I have a bone to pick with you!" She growled.

          "Hey, Levy. Whats up?" He said camly.

          "Don't even try. You know what's up. Why are you ignoring Lucy?!" She angrily questioned him. I got to admit, Levy is pretty scary when she's mad.

          "Huh? What are you talking about? Lucy never came to talk to me. Did she?" Natsu was obviously, confused which made me more angry than sad.

          "How dare you hurt my Lu-chan!" the next thing I knew was Levy slapped him. Woah, I honestly didn't see that coming. Natsu sat there, shocked.

Natsu P.O.V

          Levy, she slapped me. That tiny blue haired girl slapped me. Why? What did I do now? She said something about ignoring Lucy, but I don't know what she's talking about.

          "Woah woah woah. What was that for?" I asked very confused.

          "For being a dense idiot, you moron!" She shouted at me. She was so angry, for something I didn't do. She angrily stomped away.

          Then, I see Lucy quickly walk out of the guild. I got out of my chair and ran after her.

          "Luce! Lucy!" I called after her. But she just ended up walking quicker.

          "What Natsu? What, you wanna tell me that you want Lisanna as your partner instead of me? Or what Natsu, you don't care about me anymore now that you have your childhood friend back. Well go ahead, take her as your partner, I know you don't care for me okay. Bye Natsu" She said running away.

          What?! Whats she talking about? I didn't want Lisanna as my partner, I do care for her. Maybe even.... more than a friend. I had to get her run after her. Explain everything.

Lucy P.O.V

          What did I do? I should've let him explain. But what if I had and he actually agreed to those things I said? My heart would have been more broken than it already is. I packed a small bag full of some of my clothes. I just needed to get away for alittle. Clear my head.

          I left a note on my desk knowing someone would check my apartment when they noticed I'm gone, if they do. The note stated:

To: My dear Friends,

          I have left for awhile. My heart has been crushed by someone dear to me. You all probably know who it is I'm talking about, Mira always talks about it. Anyway, I may be back one day. But for now, I will be parting from you. I love you all my fellow Fairy Tail Friends.

                          Love Your Friend,
                                         Lucy Heartfilia

          A tear gently fell down my face as I wrote the note. My mind just needed to be clear. I know that this is all a dumb reason to run away, but I could use this time. To get my head straight and maybe even train a bit to get stronger and bond more with my Celestial Spirits.

          I left my apartment and headed for anywhere near me I could go. Goodbye, Natsu.


Hey, I don't own Fairy Tail, just this story. I hope you liked this first chapter. Next chapter will come soon. Bye for now


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