Lucy's Comeback

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last Time On You~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~



Natsu P.O.V

          I hurriedly ran over to Lucy to untie her. I told Erza and the others to go track down the bandits who ran away.

          After I untied Lucy, I dragged her into my chest for a big hug.

          "N-Natsu..." Lucy stuttered. I didn't let her go. Or at least I didn't want to.

          "I'm so sorry Lucy. I missed you so much. Don't ever leave me again. Please" I said still holding on the her.

Lucy P.O.V 

          He saved me. He does care for me. After awhile of Natsu's one sided hug, I decided to hug him back. I wrapped my arms around his back. He made me feel so safe.

          "Thank you, Natsu" I said, a slight tear of happiness slipping down my face.

          "You wanna fight those bastards?" Natsu said with a toothy grin, "As partners?" Natsu added. 

          "Lets do it" I smiled back. He took mt hand as we ran through the abandoned warehouse. Natsu and I fought off 3 guys. And I guess Erza, Gray, and Wendy took care of the others.

          It felt good to be back in action with my best friend. When we were done fighting off the bandits, they got taken away by the authorities and I reunited with my friends again.

          "So Lucy, what were you doing here,  in this warehouse?" Erza asked.

          "Well you see when I ran away, I came to this town. I was walking down the street and I had a feeling I was being followed but every time I looked back, no one was there. So I shrugged it off. But then as I passed an alley, I got grabbed by those six guys. Then I was brought to this warehouse. I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." I sighed after explaining.

          "Well, if you think about it. If you hadn't been kidnapped, we wouldn't be with you right now" Wendy grinned. She had a point. I smiled back at her.

          "You're coming back to Fairy Tail with us right?" Natsu asked excitedly. Was I ready to come back?

          "Well...." I paused to think, "Sure, why not? I guess I've been gone long enough." They cheered at my answer. Soon, I'd be back with my family.

Time Skip~ Arriving At FairyTail.

          As we approached the guild, I stopped before we entered. I took a deep breath. Natsu stopped right next to me. He took my hand and gave me a reassuring look. I nodded and walked in with them.

          When we walked in, all eyes were on us. Then they all realised what was happening. I was finally back.

          "Hi everybody. I'm back" I grinned, waving. Everyone hollered and ran to hug me. Finally, I was back. I would never leave ever again.


Lucy's back. And now what happens? Find out next time on You. This chapter is dedicated to my friend Claudyne or as her Wattpad name is leweirdpotato123. Shes really cool and if you like the Hunger Games she has a great fan fiction about it so go check her out. See you next chapter. Byyyeeee!!


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