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Natsu P.O.V

          "You hurt Miss Lisanna! YOU'RE A BAD PERSON!" The chick in the green and white silk body suit lunged at me. I dodged her but after she jumped over me, vines were sent wrapping around me.

          "Big mistake. I can just burn my way out of here" I said as a fire engulfed my body and yet, there was no sign of any burning. I got confused.

          "Hahaha! My vines are non-flammable. My name is Amazonia. I have the power to control this beautiful land. The trees, vines, soil, wind. Pretty cool huh?" She said with a kind voice. Her voice is kind but not her actions.

          The vines began to squeeze. I couldn't breathe. I felt every ounce of air leaving my body. I was dying.

          All of a sudden, I can breathe again. I turn around and see Erza with one of her many swords in her hands. I thanked her with a nod. The others began charging at her and told me to go find Lucy. So I did.

          As I entered the temple, I could immediately smell Lucy. I began to walk through the place. Something began touching my neck. I quickly turned around to come face to face with the one and only Lisanna.

          "Did you miss me Natsu, because I missed you" She said seductively.

          "Um...  No. I love Lucy, not you. You see of you hadn't stole the one I love, maybe I would have missed you. But now, I just see you as an enemy" I growled.

          "I wish you hadn't said that... YOU KNOW WHAT NATSU DRAGNEEL? LUCY IS NO MORE. SHE IS MY SLAVE NOW. SHE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" She yelled as Lucy walked out of a room.

          Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes were now blank and lifeless. "What did you do to her!!?" I yelled as the take over mage grinned deviously.

          "Lucy. Kill him." Lisanna said shortly. Lucy nodded and began to walk towards me.

          Lucy please, I can't fight you.

Lucy P.O.V

          It was dark. I floated in an endless space. All alone. Is this death? I guess so... Atleast I won't cause anymore trouble. I won't be a burden anymore.

          "Lucy... I need you... please wake" I heard a faint voice breaking up between some words. I looked around the darkness. I small amount of light shown through a area of the empty void.

          I started floating towards it but I felt like it was just moving further and further. I was never going to make it.

          "Lucy Please!" The voice was more clear. It was obvious who it was. My dear and beloved, Natsu. I tried my hardest to get to the light. I got closer and closer as the light got bigger and bigger.

          I reached out to the light and the darkness disappeared. I was in a room. Natsu was holding both of my wrists. A knife was held to his throat from my hand. I dropped the knife and fell to my knees.

          I had on a maid's outfit just like Virgo's. Lisanna was screaming at me in the background.

          "NOOO! You really are useless! I hate you! You ruin everything!" She yelled. Natsu punched her in her gut and her eyes widened as she fell on the floor. She passed out.

          The others ran in while Erza had that one girl, Amazonia, in her arms. "What happened?" Asked Erza. She saw Lisanna and her question was answered. Amazonia woke up.

          "Where am I?" She asked as she looked around at us. "Are you guys my friends?"

          "Wait, you don't remember anything that happened?" I asked. She shook her head 'no'.

          "You remember your name right?" Levy asked.

          "Yes, my name is Amazonia." She answered. Erza put her down.

         "Come on. Someone grab Lisanna. We're taking her to the council. As for you Amazonia, you will be going back to Fairy Tail with us" Erza ordered. Everyone followed.

Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this boring chapter. I am sorry, I just didnt know what to do with this chapter. Thanks for reading this chapter and just reading my stories in general. I Loovvee You! Byyee!


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