Sweet Dreams

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Lucy P.O.V

          After that date with Natsu, my heart is all fluttery. I keep looking down at my ring. It was absolutely beautiful and I was an emblem of the love between Natsu and I. Eeee! I'm just so happy.

         "You can stay here if you want Natsu. I bet you already were, but you now have my permission" I said grinning. He gave me a big toothy grin and walked inside.

         "I'm going to take a shower. No peeking. I mean it. And I'm locking the door, just to make sure." He gave me a childish pouty look but then nodded. I grabbed my pj's and went to take a shower.

Natsu P.O.V

          Now what am I supposed to do. Lucy's in the shower and Happy left with Wendy and Carla. Bored is a total understatement. What to do?

          Oo! I know! I'll just- ah never mind... Soo bored. Where's Happy when you need entertainment most? Soon after at least five long minutes of boredness, Lucy came out of the bathroom.

          "Yes! You're finally out! I was so bored" I admitted. She just kindly smiled and gave me a hug.

          "Do you really need entertainment for 10 minutes?" Lucy asked.

          "Yes. I was so bored, I could've died!" I said exaggerating just a bit. Her smile grew and she hugged me tighter.

          "And you call me weird" she commented walking to her bed. I chuckled and followed her. She got under her plush pink blanket and left me a spot. I got into the spot next to her and layed my head on her pillow.

          I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

Natsu's Dream (3rd Person P.O.V)

          Natsu and Lucy sat on Lucy's couch. Natsu had his arm around the blonde. They both laughed over a conversation they were having. Both of them wore rings. Wedding rings.

          Then, suddenly someone burst through the door. A small girl, no older than 10. She had fairly long pink hair, big chocolate brown eyes, and a wide grin.

          "Mama, papa. I'm home!" She called as she ran towards them. She ran in for a big hug from her parents Natsu and Lucy. They both hugged her back.

          "Welcome home, Nashi" Lucy and Natsu smiled as they hugged their daughter.

          "Where's Happy?" Natsu asked.

          "Happppyyy" Nashi called sweetly. Soon the blue exceed entered through the door. With him was Carla. Both holding hands.

          "Daddy, guess where Happy and Carla took me" Nashi said excitedly.

          "Where'd they take you?" Natsu asked.
          "They took me to Fairy Tail! I got to see Uncle Gray and Aunty Juvia and Uncle Gajeel and Aunty Levy!" The little pinkette cheered. Natsu and Lucy smiled.

          "Thats good. Did you have fun?" Lucy asked smiling.

          "Tons! It would've been better if you guys were there too"  Nashi said as she hugged Natsu and Lucy again.

          "We promise we'll be there next time" Natsu said grinning. Nashi smiled happy by what her father had said.

          "Oh. Are you hungry? I made your favorite type of sandwich. Peanut butter and honey." Lucy said walking towards the kitchen.

          "Yay!" Nashi cheered again as she hurriedly followed Lucy. Nashi ate her PB & H sandwich. Natsu and Lucy just smiled happily at the site of their young child.

          "I love you mama! I love you papa!" She yelled to them and sweetly smiled.

          "We love you too sweetie" Natsu said gently patting her back. What a happy family. Nashi was not only a celestial wizard, but she was also a dragon slayer like her father. Her type of power was rare. It wasn't very often when you found a celestial fire dragon slayer.

          Natsu and Lucy were proud to have a daughter like her. She was adorable like Wendy, sweet like Mira, childish like Natsu, and brave-hearted like Lucy.

(End of Dream. Back to Natsu's P.O.V)

          When I woke up from my dream, I couldn't help but smile. Just imagining Lucy and I having a beautiful family like that. It was just great.

          I turned over to tell Lucy 'Good morning' , but when I did she wasn't there. I got out of bed to go look for her. "Hey Luce, ya here?" I called out. But there was no response. I even looked around for a note, noting where she was. But I found nothing.

          This was unlike Lucy. To just leave without even leaving a note or saying anything to me. I started getting nervous. What if something happened to her while I was sleeping? How couldn't I have known?

          Man, I must really suck at protecting her. How could I even think I was fit to start a family with her? No. Stop Natsu. I will find Lucy. I am fit to start a family with her. No one will stop me. LUCY! I WILL FIND YOU!


Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What did you think of Natsu's dream. Ah, Nashi is in the picture or at least in Natsu's mind. Next chapter will hopefully be coming soon. I'll try to update a little more. Its just that school is coming to an end and it seems Im busier than ever. So, yeah. Anyway, Vote, Comment, Follow me. I lovvvee youu! Byyee!



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