Mission: Save Lucy

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Lucy P.O.V

          When I woke up, I wasn't in my bed. No, I was in darkness. I began freaking out. My arms were being restrained by something very strong and so were my ankles.

          "Hello?!" I shouted in to the dark abyss. I heard a creepy laugh come from the dark. It started off quiet then gradually got louder. I was getting very scared.

          "Lucy, dear. This is all your fault" The voice said getting more grim as it continued to speak. "You brought this upon yourself"

          "Huh? Whats all my fault? What did I do?" I still asked into the darkness. I felt a dark aura approaching me. The feeling sent shivers shooting up through my body.

          "Hello... Lucy" The voice said coming from the darkness. It removed the cloak that covered its face. The face was familiar. I know I've seen this person before...

          No. No way. It can't be. Lisanna? She smacked me with a tremendous amount of force. I fell to the side, along with my seat.

Natsu P.O.V

          I ran all the way to the guild. There was no time to loose. Lucy could be in danger. I burst through the door, just like the first time Lucy left. Everyone's eyes were on me.

          "Natsu? What's going on?" Erza asked.

          "Lucy... kidnapped..." I said panting in between. People gasped.

          "Natsu, are you sure of this?" Master Makarov asked.

          I nodded. "She's not in Magnolia, I can't smell her scent anywhere."

          "Alright, if that's so... Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, and Natsu. I am counting on you to save Lucy. Bring back my child. Mission: Save Lucy, begins now!" Makarov shouted. We all nodded and ran out the doors.

          Don't worry Lucy, I am coming for you. I will never let you slip away again. I thought in my head as we ran. We got to Lucy's apartment to check for any clues to find her.

          I checked the window for any breakage, but there was no sign of it. But then, I found something. A piece of cloth or fabric hanging in between the glass pane. I lifted the window and clutch the fabric in my hands. It was a piece of a bright purple cape.

          "How did I not notice this before?" I whispered to my self. I squashed the piece of fabric in my hands.

          "I think I know how we're going to find Lucy" I said dangling the cloth for everyone to see.


Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. You guys should give me some things to put in the story to make it even better. Yah kno just comment or message me. Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Vote, Comment, Follow me. I lovvvee youu! Byyee!


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