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    ~~~~~~Last time on You~~~~~~

          "Hi, everybody. I'm back" I grinned, waving. Everyone hollered and ran to hug me. Finally, I was back. I would never leave ever again.


Natsu P.O.V

          Finally, Lucy was back and so was my happiness. But you could say Lucy is my happiness. This was it, I'm going to finally tell her how I feel about her. She needs to know, or at least I wanted her to know.

          I walked over to Lucy slowly. She was smiling with her friends. How much I missed that smile of hers. That beautiful, beautiful smile. Okay Natsu, focus. Lets do this thing. 

          "Hey, Luce. Can we talk outside? Please?" I asked feeling alittle nervous. What if she didn't like me anymore the way she used to.

          "Sure Natsu" she said with a hint of concern in her voice. I walked outside of the guild with Lucy. Its now or Never.

Lucy P.O.V

           I was a little worried for what Natsu had to say. He seemed... weird, when he asked me if we could talk. I hope its nothing bad.

          "Hey, Luce. Do you remember when you first ran away, from Fairy Tail?" Natsu shyly asked. Why is he talking like that. Is that a blush I see on his face?

          "Um, yeah I do" I said trying not to remember that time.

          "Well, I went looking for you at your house after you left me standing in the street." Natsu added. He went looking for me, wow. I'm a terrible friend.


          "Well when I went to your house, I found that note that you wrote..." He continued. Oh crap! That note! Why did I have to say what I said. He probably knows that I like him and he's probably going to tell me he doesn't feel the same.

          I nodded for him to continue. "I read it. I read the words 'My heart has been crushed by someone dear to me' over and over. I knew that someone dear to you was me..." I blushed a deep red and looked away towards the ground.

          "Was... it me?" He asked bringing my head up. Again I was starring into his beautiful onyx eyes. I nodded, which confirmed that indeed it was him.

          "Do you still feel that way?" He asked me with a very shy but serious face. My heart is beating at a million beats a minute.

          "...yes" I shyly said,  trying to look away from his gaze.

          "Great! This makes what I'm about to do a lot easier." Natsu gave me a toothy grin. What was he going to do. Before I knew it, we were kissing. In the moonlight. How romantic!!!

          "Lucy Heartfilia, I love you. I always have since the first day I met you. I felt like we clicked. I never really knew what I was feeling exactly. I always felt a little strange around you. But now I know why. Its because I love you" Natsu said.

          I was on the brink of tears. Natsu.... loves me. I let all my tears out and hugged him. He hugged me back. Every thing was going great since I've been back. Natsu admitted his love for me and I'm back with my friends. What could go wrong?

          "Never leave me again, please." Natsu said with his forehead against mine.

          "I promise, I will never leave you again" I smiled a tear still going down my face. Natsu and I stood there. I was happy again.


Wasn't that beautiful? Have you seen the first episode of the new season of Fairy Tail? Well if you have then you know in the opening song at the end of it, you see Natsu with his forehead on Lucy's. Its so cute. If you havent seen it, you should go on youtube and search it. Search episode 176 its really cute!! ^.^ Well comment, vote, follow me. Ill see you next time! Byee!


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