Our First Date Part 2

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Lucy P.O.V

          When they took off my blindfold, I was at a candle lit table with foods on it and across the table was Natsu. They had made me put on a knee length black loose dress.

          "Guys, what's all this about?" I asked looking at the people standing around us. Levy stood there smiling, hands together under her chin.

          "We set you guys up on a date! We were just so happy you guys are together!" Mira bursted happily. Natsu and I just stared at her. She was overjoyed with our relationship.

          "Um... Thanks. You know Natsu or I could have done this by ourselves." I said to the girl jumping in glee.

          "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know! But we wanted it to be a surprise!" Levy cheered. I glanced at Natsu and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. They are way to happy.

          This is great and all, but it would've been nice to at least have been let known of this occasion. All the lights in the guild were off. The only light was from the candles on the table.

          I gave the two girls a thankful smile and then they disappeared into the unlit guild. I turned my gaze to Natsu.

          "This is pretty nice, huh?" I said to Natsu who was staring at me.

          "Oh, uh, yeah. It is pretty nice and I can't wait to dig in to this food." He said grinning.

          We started getting into the food. We talked about lots of stuff while we ate. I gotta say it was really fun. I almost laughed up my food one time, because of a joke Natsu told me. I would love to do this again.

Natsu P.O.V

          I'm having so much fun with Lucy. She laughs at all my jokes and she is very funny too. I'm so glad she's mine. Her smile could take away the most cloudy day.

          "So, how's dinner?" Levy asked, appearing out of the darkness.

          "Its great" Lucy and I replied.

          "Good. Well, you two need to leave soon." Levy said smiling.

          "Why?" Lucy questioned.

          "So you can have your romantic walk through the park" She grinned.

          "I think you've been reading too many romance novels" Lucy commented. Levy nodded, but then shooed us out of the guild.

          "Well then. I guess we start our walk to the park" I suggested, holding out my hand. Lucy entangled her fingers with mine. We walked down the street to the park. Time flies pretty fast. It was 2 when we got taken away by Wendy and Levy.

          I guess that's what happens when you're in love. Lucy rested her head against my shoulder as we walked to the park. When we got there, there were small candles circling one of the cherry blossom trees.

          We walked over to it, suspecting it was for us. When we got to the tree, there was alittle box at the bottom. Lucy kneeled down and picked up the box. She slowly opened it.

          Inside was two rings, one fire print and one star print, and a note. The note said: These rings are promise rings. If you are ever alone and feel lonely, just look at the ring and remember the one you love. Don't loose them, they have been enchanted with a power that can only be used in a emergency. Fire for Lucy and Stars for Natsu.

             Love, Levy and Mira. ♡ ♡

          Lucy and I both put the rings on. Lucy smiled at the site. Here's another step in to our amazing relationship. Lets just hope that emergency power won't be used. I kissed Lucy and walked her home. What a great date.


Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There will be more soon. You are a cool little dumpling if you have stayed with me through out my stories. They aren't finished yet, but still, you guys are amazing. Vote, Comment, Follow me. I lovvvee you. Byyyee!


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