Chapter Two: Crimson

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Anger and determination fill me as I fight them off, pig after pig, to defend the eggs.
"Protect them!" I shout to all the birds around me as I knock over a large, beefy pig.
Planes zoom overhead, dynamite and TNT explode in the distance, citizens are starting to take up arms.
Dynamite explodes from somewhere close beside me, making me shake my head to clear the ringing from my ears.
Then, see my mom.
Is she insane?
"Mom," I start. "You need to get out of here!"
"I'm so sorry... it's your grandfather, he's unconscious again," she started to tear up.
No, not again.
Not right now.
I have to prevent myself from running to him.
He's the only support I've ever had since-
An alarm is sounded in the distance to interrupt my thoughts.
"Mom, you need to stay with him. Get out of here!"
But my mom just keeps talking.
"The doctor said that your grandfather hasn't much time. You need to go see him."
He doesn't have much time...
He'll make it, he'll pull through to the end of this battle.
I'll see him, I know I will. There'll be time.
But something inside me is going against my hopeful thoughts.
Tears come to my eyes, anger builds up inside of me, a rush fear came climbing up my throat, but I push all the feelings away.
I have to take his place... like my father did.
"Poldras Island needs me right now," I reply sharply, turning away from her.
A few yards away, a bomb explodes to our right, making us cover our faces from the dust with our wings.
"Mom, you need to get out of here," I say through gritted teeth once the dirt and dust settles.
"No, I can't let you go," she cries. "Not like last time with the war."
But that was for a totally different reason.
And right now is not the time to argue with her.
Why can't she just listen to me?
"Mom, just go!" I snap at her, ignoring what she said as I turn back to face her.
Before she could object, I shove her in the cave with the eggs.
"You don't have to do this, you don't have to fight," she cries, begging on her knees as she looks up at me.
"No, I don't have to," I tell her. "I need to."
"Just promise me that you'll be okay," she begs me. Her green eyes are wide with fear.
I can't promise for a definite answer, it's up to Fate to decide what will happen to me.
Yet, I nod my head in response as I turn to the birds guarding the cave.
"Make sure she doesn't leave," I command them sternly.
"Yes ma'am," the respond as they salute me.
"As for the rest of you," I quickly say as I turn towards the birds behind me. "We'll be driving this swine pack out of here, off of this island, off of our home! Vaminos!"
I get cheers in response as we turn towards the pigs' ships.
They're large and bulky, their anchors larger than any of the two story huts here on this island.
No white flag has been raised yet.
We face a swarm of pigs coming off the ships onto our black, rocky terrain with very few trees for protection. Some pigs struggle with the new surface, due to the fact that they are used to sand and grass and trees.
But they're still coming.
"If they wanna fight, then let's give them a war!" I shout above all the noise. "Charge!"
We all run at the pigs, swords, shields, bows and arrows, all ready to knock them off their pedestal.
This reminds me of the last encounter with the pigs.
The Birdig War.
I push my thoughts aside.
I have to live in the present...
We run at the pigs and start to fight them. One by one, we bring them down, taking them as prisoners.
Anger pulses through me as I headbutt a pig and punch another one in the face, making him fall unconscious. Then, I see him.
King Mudbeard the Second.
Memories of the war flood my brain, taking over me.
"No!" I screamed as I rushed beside him. I fell to my knees and laid my head on his chest, sobbing.
"Crimson, everything will be alright," he told me weakly.
"No, nothing will be alright," I cried.
But he never backed down.
"Crimson," he gasps as he handed me his sword.
"Don't forget, I'll always be with you and I'll always love you," he reminds me.
Tears rushed down my face as his wing goes limp, sliding from mine.
"No, please, don't go," I whispered.
But he was already gone.
My thoughts are shaken by the green king's voice.
"Well, if it isn't little brave pretty bird..." he coldly smiles.
I replace my broken memories with anger and hatred as I grit my teeth.
"Call me a pretty bird again and you're bacon," I snap.
"I see you still have your temper," Mudbeard sneers. "If I'm being honest, I never thought we'd see each other again."
"Well I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice," I growl.
"And that mistake would be?..."
"Letting you go!" I scream as I charge at him, unsheathing my sword. He pulls out his sword to block my swing.
Our swords clash.
King Mudbeard laughs.
"You're so weak and pathetic," he jeers as he pushes me to the ground. A slight pain pulses through me. "Just like the first time we met."
"Are you sure you aren't talking about yourself? I mean, I did kill your father, who happened to be the king at the time, after all," I sneer at him as I push myself up. "And you were the teenager hiding from the war."
He just glares at me.
"Well, geez, no need to be angry. Like who took the 'cheer' out of your Cheerios?" I joke. We stop fighting and stand there, glaring at each other.
"I can't believe I forgot that you're also a jokester," he mumbles as he rolls his eyes.
Play along with it. He'll fall for it.
"How could you forget my best quality?" I gasp as I swing my sword at him. He blocks it.
"You're so amusing," Mudbeard states flatly, as if annoyed.
I actually find myself to be pretty hysterical thank you very much.
I guess no one can appreciate a jokester every once in awhile.
Then, I hear laughter a few feet away from where I am fighting.
"Oh my oinkers, that was a good joke," Ross laughs as tears stream down his face. "Who did take your cheer boss?"
Mudbeard stops and glares at Ross and growls.
"Ross! Get the eggs!" Mudbeard snaps.
An idea comes to me.
"Hey Ross, wanna hear a joke?" I shout to him. "What do you call a pig that's no fun to be around?" I ask I deflect Mudbeard's swing, causing him to fall backwards. I know it'll take him some time to get up due to him being heavy.
I turn towards Ross, making myself seem vulnerable to the king even though I'm looking out for him from the corner of my eye.
"Um, King Mudbeard?" Ross guesses excitedly as he sits on the ground.
"That's an even better answer that what I've got, like wow," I stand there in utter shock before laughing. He laughs too.
He seems so innocent.
Something is telling me that this pig is different, as if he doesn't fit in with the king. He seems childlike in a mature manner.
But I can't take any chances.
"So, what is your answer?" Ross asks me once we calm down. In my peripheral vision, I see Mudbeard get up.
"A boar but forget my answer, yours is way better," I tell him. Ross stands up and walks towards me.
"Well I'm fla-," Ross starts but is interrupted.
"Ross what are you doing?" King Mudbeard shouts angrily at him.
Ross shrinks back in fear with no response.
A feeling of remorse for the little pig takes control of me as I face Mudbeard.
"Do you smell something burning?" I ask him. "Because I think it's your pig butt being roasted by your own kind."
Mudbeard glares at me.
Ross starts giggling before going into a laughing fit.
And I just smile innocently and sweetly at the king.
I love myself so much.
"Ross, get the eggs!" Mudbeard snaps at him once more.
Ross stops his laughing and run. towards the cave.
"Yes s-sir," he stutters in fear.
Before Mudbeard can do or say anything, I push him to the ground again and start running after Ross.
I have to persuade Ross to not take the eggs.
But I don't have time for that.
I catch up to the small pig easily, and I tackle him. I push him quite a distance away from the egg cave.
Well that was easy.
I roll for a bit before coming to a stop.
"Crimson, where's the king?" Lolan asks me worry in her voice as she pushes away pigs.
"Don't worry about him, I'll take care of him. You and Breg help guard the eggs!" I order as I get up.
"On it!"
They run to the other ten birds standing in front of the cave, fending off pigs.
I turn my attention back to Mudbeard, who had been patiently waiting. Anger fills me just by seeing him.
Now's the time to finish him once and for all.
"Now you," I glare at him.
He coldly smiles.
"Oh Crimson, I remember when you were just a hatchling, so small, so young, so alone, so..." the king pushes for a moment before finishing his sentence. "Unloved and forgotten."
My anger is now boiling in my veins, making my feathers puff up and ruffle.
"And I remember killing your father," I say coldly.
"You shut up about that!" Leonard snaps at me.
Soft spot found.
"What? Can't handle the truth?" I sneer as I slightly hold my sword back behind me, glaring at the king.
He just glares right back.
I let out a scream if anger as I charge at him, tackling him to the ground.
I start to punch him, aiming for his throat but he grabs my wing.
"What the..." I start, confusion taking over me.
It all happens so quick, I don't even get time to blink.
Before I know it, he picks me up and throws me against a boulder, my golden sword falling out of my grasp.
"Gah!" I gasp in pain as hit the jagged boulder, then the hard ground.
My vision starts to go blurry as I'm trying to breathe and regain my balance, attempting to stand up.
I somewhat see Mudbeard making his way towards me, his sword in his hoof. Nervous nausea overtakes me, but I do my best not to show it. He's about four yards from me.
"Now it's time to end you," Mudbeard growls, loud enough for me to hear.
And this is how I die.
But something stops my thought.
"We can't get to the eggs!" Ross shouts above the fighting.
A wave of relief floods me.
Mudbeard stops dead in his tracks.
Well, thank goodness.
"Pigs, retreat!" King Mudbeard yells.
A sea of green pigs run towards the boats, including Mudbeard.
I see a white flag slowly rising in the sky of the largest of the ships, showing their full willingness to surrender. On the other wing, our ships are getting prepared to move. The large wooden boats are in the water, chained anchors up and sails down.
We still can't let the green grubs get away easily.
I get up and run towards a battle ship full of birds, my head still slightly spinning but I push through it as I climb the ladder and easily swing myself over the side.
"Get the cannons set!" I order a green bird as I land on the wooden deck with a soft thud. He runs to the cannons. "And you," I look at a dark blue bird. "Get a crew to get this boat in motion to start following them pigs."
"Yes ma'am!" He runs to a bunch of birds.
"Every bird listen up!" I yell loud and clear. "Give the nasty swine everything you got and drive them out of our harbor!"
"All right lets go!" a large bird shouts at the crew.
A cannon bursts out a cannonball, sending it into the side of a smaller boat belonging to the pigs. Wood is sent flying in all directions as we make the hit.
The pigs shoot at us, but they miss by a long shot.
And I mean, a long shot.
"Well...that's embarrassing," I state out loud to the other birds on the boat as we watch the cannonball crash into the ocean several yards behind us.
They all chuckle.
"Aim for the bird filth you idiots!" I hear Mudbeard yell over the exploding of cannons.
"Fire!" I shout at the top of my lungs as I point in the direction of the pigs with my sword.
Once again, cannonballs were blowing up pig ships.
Yes, yes, yes!
A feeling of hope flares inside of me and I smile. For the first time in a long time, I genuinely smile, but I keep my back faced towards the rest of the birds.
I just don't want them seeing me like this. I don't want to get their hopes up too much, even though mine's through the roof right now.
Or, well, through the clouds because we're outside right now...
I feel like this will be the last time the pigs will intrude our home.
I can only wish that'll happen.
The pigs start to move and we follow close behind.
Back and forth, we shoot at the pigs and they fire back. We're doing pretty good until...
A cannonball splinters the side of our boat, making my anger snap inside of me.
"Oh c'mon! This ship took me and my father five years to build!" I complain angrily, not really thinking about what I had just said.
My father.
Some birds shuffle nervously and some cough. Some even stop what they were doing.
Now's not the time for this.
"We have to keep fighting," I snap at the birds behind me, not caring to look back at my feathered comrades.
My anger rises with impatience, but a spark of an idea slowly calms me down.
I realize Mudbeard's boat is close enough for us to get a plank and climb onto his boat. I grin.
"Get your swords, we're gonna fight like pirates."
"Wait, what's a pirate?" Lolan asks, tilting her head to the right as she lowers her bow.
Wait, is she being serious?
I facepalm before looking at her.
"You seriously don't know what a pirate is?"
She shakes her head.
I groan.
Pirates of the Caribbean marathon here we come.
"You haven't spent enough time with me," I mumble. "Anyways, get a plank!"
"Yes ma'am!" Her eyes widen as she runs off to retrieve what I ordered her to get.
It isn't even five seconds later and she's back.
"So you don't know what a pirate is, but you know what a plank is?" I laugh.
"Shut up," Lolan rolls her eyes.
Oh, how I love having Lolan as my little cousin.
None of the pigs are paying attention to us, they are more focused on the cannons.
Now's our chance.
"From Lolan over the whole right side you're coming with me, the rest of you will stay here and defend this ship. And if necessary, fire at the pigs' ship," I order, unmistakable seriousness in my voice.
"Crimson, you and the other birds will be on the other boat," Breg starts to protest but immediately stops after I glare at him.
"I understand how dangerous this may seem but we can't let them get to any of our allies or the eggs," I say, trying to make him understand. Some birds nod their heads, some sigh.
"Alright, Lolan and her crew, let's go," I say as I lay the plank down and cross it. It's sturdy and holds my weight well.
I calmly look down at the deep water underneath me, its blue-green color shimmering in what little sunlight isn't being hidden.
A slight smile comes to my beak.
Easy breezy.
I look back up and get on the other boat, helping the others on and ordering them to follow me and to stay quiet.
"I've never realized how big this boat is," Lolan whispers to me as she walks beside me.
I just nod my head.
This ship is literally like a castle. Red carpet, wooden sides embellished with gold. There are even golden doors.
I don't care to pay attention to the rest of the ship, my determination blocks everything out.
No, not determination.
Ambition is what keeps me going, ambition to get rid of these pigs for forever. It's been a desire of mine ever since the war. It's a goal.
A goal I will achieve.
We keep walking until we hear voices coming from a room. I stop and motion every bird to  press themselves against the walls on both sides of the doors.
"Sir, with all due respect, don't you think we should rebuild the kingdom then attack?" One pig suggests, Ross. His voice is soft and quiet, nervousness is revealed in his voice.
"No!" A second voice yells angrily, King Mudbeard. "We want eggs and what we want, we're going to get! And we've got a navy and air force to make that happen!"
He's not gonna take the eggs, I'll make sure of that.
"Lolan, and crew," I whisper loud enough for the birds to hear me. " On my signal, we're gonna barge through these doors and take down the pigs in that room, understand?" Every bird nods as we keep listening.
"I'm with Ross on this one," a third pig says strongly. Except, I don't recognize his voice. It's low and gravely with a strong twangy accent. "Also, if we do get the eggs, where are we gonna store them?"
This battle ends here.
I look at the birds and mouth "now."
"Not in your stomachs!" I yell as we break down the doors. Every bird takes down Ross and the third pig as I charge at Mudbeard, sword unsheathed.
There's seriously twelve birds here, four birds should be taking down one pig together.
Once again, his sword is locked with mine.
"I forgot, you never give up, do you?" He sneers, giving some words a bit of a bounce. "That's quite amusing considering the fact that every bird you know has given up on you."
I've had enough!
I scream out of anger as I pull the sword from his hoof, throwing it behind me as I grab him by the neck and slam him up against the wall.
I raise my sword to his throat.
He looks nervous.
"One more word out of you and I swear I will tu..." I growl only to get interrupted.
"Crimson, you can't kill him."
"Why not?" I demand Lolan, not taking my eyes off of Mudbeard. A wave of relief floods across his face.
Don't get too relieved.
"Why, is that would your parents want you to do? To kill some pig? Would your father want that?" She asks, defiance in her voice.
Another cannonball explodes into the far side of the ship.
"He was gonna eat our eggs! You don't consider that murder?" I fire back as I turn to her, not loosening my grip on the king, who starts choking for air.
She doesn't say anything.
That's what I thought.
I turn back to Mudbeard.
"You're never gonna steal eggs," I growl as I glare at him. "Ever."
"Oh, but little do you know," he gasps as he smirks. "I already have."
I raise my sword, but before I could kill him...
A cannonball breaks into the room, turning the side of the boat into splinters.
Every bird ducks, dust rises, and it was tranquil, at least for the moment it was.
I shake my head. My ears are ringing, I can't find my sword. I lost Mudbeard.
I can't give up.
Not now. I was so close!
"Pluck," I spit angrily.
Lolan and another bird help me to my feet.
"Are you okay?" Lolan asks worriedly.
"I'm fine," I grunt as I shake my head, although I'm really not fine. "Where's my sword?"
"Calm down, its right here," a green bird tells me as she hands me my sword.
Did she just tell me to 'calm down?'
The flockin shrew can't tell me what to do.
Annoyance and irritation fill me when she told me to 'calm down.' Yet? I don't say anything and I look around, my head still slightly spinning.
Then, I see him.
"Don't let him get away!" I yell as I run towards Mudbeard with everyone else following behind.
Mudbeard jumps into a small rowboat with Ross and starts rowing away. However, he didn't row fast enough.
"Crimson!" Lolan shouts.
I ignore her and I jump in the small boat.
I land on my feet but almost lose my balance from the large, rocky waves that continue to grow with each second passing.
"What?" Mudbeard asks surprised.
"Hi," Ross says nervously as he gives a small wave.
"Bye," I jeer as I kick the small pig out of the boat.
He hits the water with a small splash about forty yards from where this small rowboat is.
"Hey, no pig kicks Ross out of any boat except for me!" Mudbeard whines angrily.
"Well, isn't that too bad," I say sarcastically.
"No, but it's too bad that you'll be joining him," Mudbeard replies, laughing as he swings his sword at me. I deflect it with my sword. Once again, we fight.
While we are fighting, we had little attention to the fact that we are out of the harbor and out into the ocean, right where a storm is brewing. I didn't realize that until lightening strikes above us. Both of us stop. Rains starts to pour down.
"Well, pluck my nonexistent life," I say unenthusiastically.
Leonard looks up at the sky, then down at me.
"Well this should be fun," he sarcastically laughs as he raises his sword. But before he could swing a wave crashed into the boat and Mudbeard tripped and fell and was slammed into the other side of the boat. He groans.
I stifle a laugh.
Serves him right.
I somehow manage to keep my balance but I know I'm not gonna have it for long. Then out of nowhere, Ross climbs aboard.
"What the-," I start but I stop myself.
"Big fish, lots of big fish," he gasps.
I roll my eyes.
Mudbeard gathers himself and forces  himself to face me. He picks up his sword.
"This is the last time I let you get away alive," he growls.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that," I smirk.
Another wave crashes into the boat, crushing it to pieces. I fall into the water and try to grab onto a piece of wood, but I keep getting whipped around like a rag doll. I swim up to get some air, only to be thrown back down into the darkness.
Once again, I try to swim up but it feels like it's never coming. My lungs are screaming, and my wings are getting tired.
C'mon Crimson, c'mon.
I keep swimming up, not letting the ocean take me down deeper.
My entire body is screaming at me to stop, but I can't.
I can't stop.
I gradually stop trying as I feel myself go limp. My eyes close as I sink back into the water.
I can't...stop.
I... can't...
Everything goes black.

*i drew the pic*

Book One: Lost and Found: An Angry Birds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now