Chapter Seventeen: Crimson

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I stand there, on the stage, holding a microphone in my shaking wing.
And every bird is clapping.
I look straight at Red and mouth him a thank you. I feel tears filling my eyes, but I somehow manage to hold them back.
While I was talking, I noticed some birds had so many emotions filling their eyes.
Guilt, regret, shame, embarrassment.
Even the Judge had a look of shame on his face as I spilled the truth.
Nervous pride fills me as the birds continue to clap, smiling and looking at me. Just as I'm about to smile, a thought stops me.
I don't wanna sing.
I mean, it's a great song, but I can't sing in front of other birds, unless if I know I can trust them.
I don't trust the birds here.
Well, I guess I could say something relating to the song.
Not a bad idea, but still, I don't want to be center of attention anymore.
I don't know what to do. I mean, I feel like running off the stage, but it's as if my feet have a mind of their own. They stay glued to the wooden surface as I look at the crowd with wide eyes.
"Have anything else you want to say?" Stella asks me, crossing her wings. She has a bored look on her face.
I take a moment to ponder.
Should I say more?
I really don't want to, but something tells me I should.
"No," I answer going against my conscience.
"Okay, whatever," Stella responds, uncrossing her wings and taking the mic from me.
I run off the stage before she can tell me to sing.
                                  • • •
"And some parts to a Mustang GT!" Chuck sings the final line of the song in a twangy accent. Every bird cheers as I sit between Red and Bomb.
Matilda and Terence are sitting at a table with Hal and Bubbles, off to the right of us.
"Can they stop with the Christmas carols already!" Red exclaims in anger, slamming his wings down on the table.
He doesn't know the pain of Christmas on Poldras Island.
"You know, it's much worse back home," I tell him calmly.
A pang of loneliness hits me when I say home.
Calm down Crimson, you'll be there soon enough.
We're leaving tonight cuz I can't wait any longer to go home. I miss the birds there, I miss my nest, I miss joking with Lolan, I miss the rocky territory, I miss it all.
Something grabs my right wing, startling me.
It's Bomb. I turn my head away a bit just so he can't see my smile gaining.
"You good?" He asks me.
My face heats up, and I can feel myself blushing.
I don't think I've ever been so thankful for having red feathers.
"I'm fine, thanks," I answer him quietly. He squeezes my wing, but he doesn't let go.
"Um, Bomb, you know you can let go, right?" I laugh, my head still turned away.
"That's the worst part of holding your wing, I have to let go," Bomb sighs.
I look at him, shocked.
Does he like me?
No, he doesn't like me! Why would he? I'm pretty sure he's only saying that cuz we made an agreement that he'll hold my wing if I ever start getting anxious or nervous. Having some bird close to me calms me down, and I've told him so.
Nothing more.
Besides, I made a vow to never fall for another bird again. Last time, I fell too far and got hurt.
But I can't push back the feelings I get when I look at him. It's been months since I've first met him, and I was finally able to let go of Draven not too long ago.
My stomach rumbles, begging for more food.
"Well I'm hungry, who's up for some more food?" I ask happily looking between Bomb and Red.
"This is gonna be your seventh helping!" Red exclaims, facepalming.
"Okay, and?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"You just eat so much and never gain any weight!" Red proclaims, dramatically throwing his wings in the air.
I'm not gonna lie, it's true. I can never gain weight. I've eaten more food in one week than what any bird else eats in a month. Every bird tells me so.
"I'll get more food," Bomb offers, pulling his wing from mine. He walks away, through the crowd of birds, who are singing a song I don't know.
It feels like my world is being pulled away, everything I've ever cared for just disappearing.
I really have to stop being so dramatic.
Matilda's personality really is growing on me.
"So, what's going on between you and Bomb?" Red asks while he swirls his straw in his glass of coconut milk.
"What do you mean?"
He rolls his eyes and stops swirling his drink.
"You were holding wings! You, my sister, and him, my best friend, holding wings!" Red exclaims. "I'm sorry if I seem like I'm going over the top with this, but I'm your brother, and I don't wanna see you get hurt! And I saw you whisper something to him!"
I shake my head in confusion.
What does he mean 'he doesn't wanna see me get hurt'?
"What are you talking about? Bomb wouldn't hurt me. Besides, he only holds my wing to assure me that everything is alright," I explain, slightly smiling. "Also, I told him to apologize to you.
Red's face softens.
"Sorry, I misunderstand a lot of things that I see," Red admits, looking back down at his drink.
"Don't we all?" I ask, laughing.
He doesn't answer right away.
"Yeah, I guess," he finally answers laughing a bit as he looks back at me.
"Besides, it's not like Bomb likes me back," I state nervously. I let out a sigh.
"Wait, what?!" Red exclaims, falling off of his seat.
Red's sudden loudness startles me, making me knock over my grape juice while I turn towards him. A few birds turn their heads to look at us momentarily.
"Aw man, not my drink!" I groan.
I pick up the glass and go to clean up the spill. But it's no use. Since the table isn't fully sanded and furnished, the juice is just soaked into the wood, staining it a dark color of red.
"I thought grape juice stained purple," I wonder out loud.
"Glad you asked if I'm okay," Red grumbles as he gets back on his seat.
"Sorry," I quietly apologize.
"Anyways," Red starts. "Did you say you like Bomb?"
"No, I didn't!" I snap at my little brother. Irritation grows in me as Red cackles.
"But you did!" He responds loudly.
"Did not!" I reject his remark.
Anger fills me, making me form a fist.
I swear I'll knock him into next month.
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"It was implied!"
"It really wasn't, you empty headed egg!" I snap once more.
"What wasn't implied?" Bomb's voice asks. I turn around and see him setting a few plates in front of me.
Most of the plates are filled with fruits and berries, a few bowls of nuts, and a huge piece of cake.
"You know me so well!" I exclaim happily as I take a fork and shovel the fruit into my mouth.
The taste of pineapple and blueberries burst with flavor in my mouth, making my glands tingle.
"You're gonna share that cake, right?" Bomb asks as he takes a handful of nuts.
Am I?
"Nope, I'm good," I tell him, pulling the plate closer to me.
"Oh c'mon, not even one bite?" Bomb whines as he pulls the plate towards him.
"Nope," I answer, pulling the plate closer to me once more.
"How about yes?" He asks, pulling on the plate again. I start giggling as I go for the plate. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bomb grinning like a fool.
Well, he is a fool.
"How about you two quit arguing?" Red snaps at us.
Both Bomb and I avert our attention to him.
"How 'bout no?" I ask jokingly, answering Bomb and Red's questions at the same time.
Red growls in annoyance as he gets up and leaves. Bomb and I look at each other and shrug and go back to fighting over the cake.
We keep pulling the plate back forth, starting with small pulls, then long, forceful ones. We laugh the entire time, until Bomb pulls a little too hard.
Not only does the cake go flying pass him, but so do I.
Except I fly into him.
He's soft and fluffy?
Weird way to describe a bird but okay...
I shake my head and look up right into his blue eyes.
I blink twice, not being able to move, as if he's hypnotized me.
No, no, no. I made a promise to myself, and I'm gonna keep it.
With that thought, I push myself away and nervously laugh.
"Sorry 'bout that," I tell him, getting up to get the plate and cake. "I'll clean it up."
"No, I will," Bomb jokingly argues.
I giggle as I roll my eyes.
"Why, what a gentleman," I tease him.
He just turns and smiles at me before turning his attention on the smashed cake.
"Such a shame that this was your favorite flavor," Bomb tells me as he's kneeling with a bunch of napkins he got off the table.
I decide to add a bit of a dramatic tone to this moment.
It would be pretty funny too. Well, to me it'll be funny.
"No! The chocolate cake can't be ruined!" I gasp sarcastically as I run over to him. I fall on my knees.
"Why must a horrible thing like this, happen to such an amazing..." I stop trying to think of what to call the cake.  I look at Bomb for some help. He just shrugs his shoulders.
"... amazing, uh... fragile.., delicacy," I end by fake crying into Bomb's shoulder.
"You're crazy," he admits to me, laughing. I feel him wrap his wing around me.
His touch brings butterflies to my stomach, making me stop thinking straight. I see sparks fly, which block out the birds and music around us.
I want to hug him, and cuddle him, but I'm not sure if he'll appreciate that. Hopefully, just hopefully he will.
I'll just take this whole love thing little bit at a time. But I also have to keep that promise I made with myself.
Bomb's voice rings in my ears, calling me crazy and laughing. The feelings I'm experiencing overtake me, and make me fall into a fantasy.
"You're crazy," he admitted to me, laughing.
I smile and let the good vibes take over me for the first time in a long time.
Yeah, crazy over you.

<the song Chuck songs is called Twelve Redneck Days of Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy>

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